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Your help is needed! Please contact your representative and ask them to support HR 2382

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Your help is needed! Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 5, the House will vote on the USPS Fairness Act (H.R. 2382). The first votes are scheduled to begin at 4:45PM, and we anticipate the vote on H.R. 2382 to be shortly after that.  Please contact your representative and ask them to support this legislation!  H.R. 2382 would end the mandate to prefund USPS retiree healthcare and erase nearly 90 percent of the Postal Service’s financial losses at no cost to the taxpayer.

Today, a number of Washington D.C. Think Tanks such as The Club for Growth and The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste sent letters to Capitol Hill urging members to vote against H.R. 2382, citing that the only way to fix the Postal Service is to implement reforms recommended by the Treasury Department’s Postal Task Force that stopped just short of recommending privatization.

H.R. 2382 is supported by all four postal unions, as well as more than 300 members of the House of Representatives who have co-sponsored this bill.  According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), H.R. 2382 has a zero “score”, meaning it does not impact the federal budget.

Furthermore, the bill would improve employee morale, restore the confidence of the broader mailing industry, and place the USPS back on a level playing field to compete with private-sector shipping companies.

Let’s do our part to make sure more than 600,000 postal employees are heard by our lawmakers!

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