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US Postal Service demands rural carriers send back “overpaid” wages right before Christmas season

Notices went out to 130,000 rural carriers this week that they may be invoiced for “overpayment,” supposedly due to mail volume data from the last 52 weeks having been incorrectly credited where territorial route adjustments were made.

In a video presentation, National Rural Letter Carriers Association (NRLCA) President Don Maston explained to workers that the new Rural Route Evaluated Compensation System (RRECS) with the United States Postal Service (USPS), which the union agreed to behind workers’ backs without a vote, holds workers financially responsible for mis-adjusted mail volume data when routes were redistributed during the last evaluation in October.

According to one rural carrier who contacted the World Socialist Web Site, he and his co-workers will have to pay back $600-800 in the coming weeks, as he pointed out, “right at Christmas.”

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