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Twice a hero – In separate incidents, rural carrier assists customer, co-worker

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When Scio, NY, Rural Carrier Holly Stoll saw a car go off the road and roll to a stop near a ravine, she grabbed her phone and called 911.

The driver was slumped over the steering wheel, so Stoll reached through a window and turned off the ignition. She stayed with the driver until emergency services arrived, then continued with her route.

Two weeks later, Stoll was on her route when a co-worker drove by in her personal vehicle and called out that her brakes had failed. Stoll called 911, hopped into her vehicle and followed safely behind the co-worker’s car.

Although the car went through a busy intersection, often traveling at speeds of more than 50 miles an hour, it eventually stopped safely. Stoll stayed with her frazzled co-worker until emergency personnel arrived.

Stoll received a letter from PMG Pat Donahoe in recognition of her heroism, as well as her work as a firefighter and first responder. She also received two certificates from the Western New York District honoring her as a postal superhero.

via USPS News Link Story – Twice a hero.

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