The so-called “Regional Transportation Optimization” plan will cut the number of times USPS visits rural post offices to pick up outgoing mail. This will inevitably cause even more delays for folks in rural America.
I’ve written the Postmaster General to let him know this is a terrible idea. In fact, it’s downright shameful. These changes would effectively create a two-tiered mail system. Rural Americans don’t deserve to be treated as second-class citizens, but that’s exactly what the bureaucrats at USPS are bound and determined to do.
At the same time, they’ve been raising postage rates repeatedly—essentially, pay more, get less. Thankfully, they’ve pressed pause on another increase in the near future, but they shouldn’t have even thought about doing one until they figured out how to get the mail delivered on time.
While they say the plan will save USPS, we’ve heard this before. In fact, we were told that making changes to postal retirement funding would fix everything. It wasn’t true and mail service has gotten worse in the process.