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Rep. Judson Sapp pushes for ‘Pam Rock Act’ to address dangerous dogs

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Florida Rep. Judson Sapp is advocating for a new bill, SB 572, which would grant law enforcement and animal control greater authority to intervene in cases involving dangerous dogs that pose a risk to public safety.

The bill, named the Pam Rock Act, was inspired by the fatal mauling of a mail carrier in Putnam County. Sapp said the legislation aims to close legal gaps that prevent authorities from taking action before a tragedy occurs.

“This was originally brought to me by Rep. Bobby Payne, whose seat I took over,” Sapp said during an interview on Florida’s Voice Radio with Drew Steele. “It started from a mail carrier in my district in Putnam County who was fatally mauled to death. What’s been devastating to me in the process of getting this bill ready is just the number of attacks and deaths we’ve had since then.”

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