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Postal Reform Can’t Leave Rural Americans Behind

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is at a crossroads, facing critical decisions about its leadership, operations, and long-term strategy.

Major changes that could change the trajectory of the agency may be looming on the horizon and questions remain about whether it will continue on its current path — particularly with its controversial Regional Transportation Optimization (RTO) initiative — or use this inflection point as an opportunity to reassess its priorities.

In late January, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) issued an advisory opinion and detailed 300-page analysis regarding proposed service changes under the Postal Service’s RTO initiative which should help provide some guidance. This came after a formal review was conducted, as required by law, which included testimony from five Postal Service executives and an on-the-record hearing at which PRC commissioners were able to cross examine them. The PRC also reviewed hundreds of pages of testimony from interested private parties.

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