“Honestly, it’s almost surreal, because I was not at all thinking. It just was pure drive. I wanted to make sure that baby was safe,” said Kandi Young, a rural part-time flexible mail carrier.
Young was heading back to the Trinity Carrier Annex after finishing her mail route on Oct. 31. At the same time, Morgan Osborne, of Moon Lake, was leaving a trunk-or-treat event at her daughters’ school. Neither woman knew they were about to find themselves in the middle of a real life Halloween horror.
“She wasn’t breathing. She was actually foaming at the mouth,” said Young.
“She 100% turned purple,” said Osborne. “It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me.”
Osborne’s three-year-old daughter had given a WarHeads candy to her 18-month-old, and she was choking.
“I pulled her out of the car. I started screaming, freaking out. I’ve never freaked out this bad in my whole, entire life,” Osborne said.
It happened at the intersection of Little Road and Plathe Road in New Port Richey.
“All I see is a postal truck fly around the corner,” Osborne said.
“She was yelling, and I believe she was screaming, ‘My baby!'” said Young.
Young took the girl and performed the Heimlich maneuver.
“I threw that candy — I don’t even know where it’s at — and I just hugged the baby, and I was holding her to me,” she said. “I could hear her gasping for breath when she finally was able to.”
She said her quick thinking was part instinct — she’s a mom to two girls as well — and part training.