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NRLCA statement on USPS employee Data Breach

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At 9 o’clock this morning, the NRLCA received the following information on the cyber-breach that compromised Postal Service employees’ personal information and employment information just minutes before Stand Up talks on the subject began around the country in Post Offices. President Dwyer did receive a phone call on Sunday night from Postmaster General Donahoe as a “courtesy call” about the incident. NRLCA is currently investigating to determine if other action is necessary. We ask all carriers to monitor this situation on the website.


Notification of Cyber-Intrusion and Employee Data Compromise

The Postal Service recently learned of a cyber-intrusion into some of its information systems and an investigation began as soon as the intrusion was discovered. Steps already have been taken to strengthen the security of USPS systems and there will be additional measures in the coming days and weeks.

The investigation indicates that files containing employee information were compromised, including names, dates of birth, social security numbers, addresses, beginning and end dates of employment, and emergency contact information for all active employees and some retired employees. In addition, we are aware of a possible compromise of injury claim data still under investigation involving a small number of employees. Individualized letters will provide everyone with specific information about their particular situation.

PMG Patrick Donahoe has recorded a special video for employees with background information, an explanation of steps being taken to protect employees, and an explanation of resources available on the cyber-incident.

Donahoe apologized that the incident happened. “You also have my commitment that we will help all of our employees deal with the situation,” he said. “We are a resilient organization and we’ll get through this.”

The video can be viewed from the postal intranet Blue on any postal computer, or from your personal computer on the Postal Service YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/uspstv.

You also can check special pages being posted on the Blue (blue.usps.gov) and LiteBlue (liteblue.usps.gov) employee websites at 11:30 a.m. EST, Nov. 10. The Blue website is available from any postal computer on the postal internal network. LiteBlue is available from any computer connected to the Internet. You will need your Employee ID number and your employee password to access LiteBlue. Check the Blue or LiteBlue home pages for a new box titled: “!! Important Employee Information !!” in the left column.

Along with the handout, online resources include: an employee video, a stand-up talk and FAQs. Please check the handout and resources for more information.

In addition, the Employee Assistance Program is available for specific concerns you may have, at EAP4YOU.com online, or by phone at 800-327-4968; TTY 877-492-7341.

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