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(The) USPS is implementing a new DACA Code (Code F) which will be used instead of “L” when a carrier takes a full-day of LWOP for Union business.

DACA Code F is used for Full Day Rural Union LWOP.

This new process begins pay period 04/2021, (January 30th, 2021).

The new code F is applicable to designated “Full Time” Union Officials or when a Regular Rural Carrier (Union Steward or other Union Officer)  is working on official union business for the entire day.

This new code should also be used when a carrier requests LWOP for conventions or other union business.

This new DACA Code F should NOT be used in place of a “Z” code for accumulated Steward time or a full day of steward work compensated by the USPS. The use of DACA Code Z is unchanged.

The new code is still counted as Leave Without Pay and will be accumulated in the same  manner toward annual and sick leave calculations.  However, with the new coding, LWOP Days for Union business will NOT be accumulated toward delaying a carrier’s regular Step Increases.

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