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Join our Postal Brothers and Sisters Nationwide to Protect the Postal Service and Our Jobs!

NRLCA Members:

On Thursday, March 20, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) is holding a National Day of Action to say, “Hands Off Our Public Postal Service!” On Sunday, March 23, local branches of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) are holding rallies across the country to say, “Hell no!” to dismantling or privatization of the U.S. Postal Service.

We want to encourage our members to attend as many events in their hometowns as possible as a show of solidarity with our postal brothers and sisters.

Find an event near you: www.nalc.org/news/fight-like-hell

Commit to take action: www.apwu.org/commit

Help us stand up against the privatization or dismantling of America’s Postal Service!

Download our signs: Rural America Relies on the Postal Service and Stop Privatization

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