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How about some more rural carrier heroes?


Harold Durham Grand Prairie, TX

Rural Carrier Harold Durham was delivering mail in Grand Prairie, TX, one day last fall when he spotted a toddler alone at a busy intersection.

Durham stopped to check on the boy, who was around 2 years old, and called 911.

Police officers soon arrived and took custody of the lad, whom Durham visited at the station after work, because he had been upset to leave the Postal Service employee’s side.

The child was later reunited with his family.


Duane Howell Arcade, NY

Rural Carrier Duane Howell was recently delivering mail in Arcade, NY, when he encountered a customer in distress.

The man, who could not speak clearly when Howell knocked on the front door, had fallen two days earlier and was in dire need of medical attention.

Howell called 911 and stayed on the scene until emergency responders arrived.

“The customer is safely recovering at the hospital due to Duane’s heroic actions,” said local Customer Services Supervisor Keith St. John.


Katrina Davis Fort Mill, SC

Rural Carrier Associate Katrina Davis had recently pulled up to a customer’s mailbox in Fort Mill, SC, when she heard screams for help coming from inside the woman’s home.

Davis immediately called 911 and rushed to the residence to check on the customer, whom she found stranded on the floor after a fall.

The Postal Service employee comforted the woman until emergency responders arrived.

The customer is recovering from the incident.


Leo McKenna Belding, MI

Rural Carrier Leo McKenna was recently delivering mail in Belding, MI, when he heard a customer shouting in distress.

McKenna stopped to help the man, who had collapsed after cutting his leg with a chainsaw while pruning trees.

The Postal Service employee rushed to the customer’s side, called 911 and comforted him until paramedics arrived.

“The customer was at home alone and didn’t have his phone with him, so Leo may well have averted a tragic outcome,” said Belding Postmaster Renee McCoy.


Heather Walbruck New London, WI

Rural Carrier Heather Walbruck was delivering mail on an icy day this year in New London, WI, when she spotted a customer who had fallen outside his home.

Walbruck stopped to check on the man, who had struck his head and couldn’t get up.

She immediately called 911, obtained blankets from a neighbor and comforted the customer until paramedics arrived and took him to a hospital.

The man is recovering from the incident.

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