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Handbook PO-603 Revision: Compensation Adjustments

Effective October 20, 2012, Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities, Section 541.41, Addi­tional Compensation, is revised to reflect the change to the delivery point sequence (DPS) letter mail standard for those routes assigned a right-hand drive (RHD) employer-pro­vided vehicle.

Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities

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5 Inspection, Count, and Adjustment of Rural Routes

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54 Compensation Adjustments

541 Requirements

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541.4 Automation Processed Mail

541.41 Additional Compensation

[Revise text to read as follows:]

If a carrier assigned a left-hand drive (LHD) employer-pro­vided vehicle is required to use his/her privately owned vehicle, is being compensated under DPS letter standards, and is required to case all or a significant portion (125 pieces or more) of his/her DPS letter mail due to machine failure or other problems, additional compensation will be provided in accordance with the following formula:

n The average daily DPS letter volume from the latest mail count (when all DPS mail is received in a raw, unprocessed state or all DPS mail is improperly pro­cessed requiring casing), or

n The actual piece count (when 125 or more pieces require casing) multiplied by (x) 0.0365 minutes per piece equals (=) additional minutes payment.

If a carrier assigned a right-hand drive (RHD) employer-pro­vided vehicle is being compensated under DPS letter stan­dards and is required to case all or a significant portion (125 pieces or more) of his/her DPS letter mail due to machine failure or other problems, additional compensation will be provided in accordance with the following formula:

n The average daily DPS letter volume from the latest mail count (when all DPS mail is received in a raw, unprocessed state or all DPS mail is improperly pro­cessed requiring casing), or

n The actual piece count (when 125 or more pieces require casing) multiplied by (x) 0.0465 minutes per piece equals (=) additional minutes payment.

Additional payment procedures will be the same as out­lined in Article 9.2.N of the National Agreement between the USPS-NRLCA.

Note: Carriers should notify their manager immediately when they receive DPS letter mail requiring casing. If a manager is not readily accessible, carriers should note the number of DPS letter pieces they are required to case and report it to their manager at the first opportunity.

via Handbook PO-603 Revision: Compensation Adjustments.

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