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Engineer Study update shared at state conventions

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This is a fairly technical overview and I do not know what some of the acronyms and such stand for, but there is still some good info to be had.

Status Overview

Development of system is complete – Beta version available

Testing of system components is almost completed

Bug fxes and minor enhancements underway

Integrated system testing has begun; some software and data issues have been identifed; eforts are underway to determine causes

Development of engineered standards and drive speed standards are complete – Beta version available; TCP’s are complete; unavoidable delay underway; validation of standards in final stages

Waiting on resolution of system and data issues to complete street stands validation and system testing

Monitoring progress; validating count data; validating street standards; debugging Business logic; integrated system testing


Standards Development and Validation

Solver/Panel: Confirm drive time and TCO standards Solver/Panel: Complete development of statistical standards

(unavoidable delay)

Solver/Panel: Complete statistical validation of mailstop and door delivery standards

IISE>Panel: Complete review of engineered standards
IISE: Complete time study validation of engineered standards


Statistical Standards: Drive Speed Study

Drive time standards completed

10.2 million observations (8/1/16 – 1/31/17) Minimal seasonal variation

Traffic control standards completed

1.3 million observations (8/1/16 – 1/31/17)

Unavoidable delay study

Waiting on resolution of data problems

DDD and mail stop validations

Waiting on data reprocessing 4/20/17


Engineered Standards

Engineered standards review

100 of 100 office and street standards reviewed, refined and documented

Electronic storage and access in standard folder format:

a) Standard Method,

b) MTM Summary,

c) MTM Detail, and

d) Support; 68 of 100 complete

Engineered standards validation

Statistical review of mail-stop standards awaiting data reprocessing 4/20/17

Time study validations of selected office standards underway


Capture and validation of Input Count Data

Solver/Tracker: Resolve remaining issues in data capture (random letters and fats, WSS & BH, CRF)

Solver: Develop business logic for processing data
Operations: Map additional routes to validate software changes and drive time standards
Operations: Resolve compliance issues
Operations/Tracker: Complete capture of office walking distances IISE: Complete validation of office counts (Phase 3)


Count Validation

Detailed Phase 2 report released (Panel, 3/3/17)

Missing scan data (14% days studied)

Manual measuring procedures for counting random letters and fats are unreliable

Statistical inflation of full-service CR flats appears promising Significant undercounting of parcels (incomplete scan extraction) Errors in load vehicle times (compliance problems)

Phase 3 began April 3

Going Forward

RRECS basics are in place

Refine and validate
Confirm readiness to roll out

Panel Chair recommends

RRECS Parties evaluate and comment

Chair issues final determination

RRECS rollout


NRLCA Concerns

When is the project over? How do we get from 1,500 to 75,000?

Evaluation routes (mapping and initial volume data)

Maintenance of evaluations
• Updating evaluation for changes in routes (miles, addresses, volume) – pay period
• Updating evaluation for changes in mail volume – annually

Reevaluation: remapping and total reevaluation when change threshold reached

Ruralinfo.net note:  No official time for completion has been released but several different guesstimates coming from the state conventions is there could possibly be a September 2018 count under the new system, but I repeat, this is NOT definite information.  This is a huge study and there is no way to know what could happen before completion.  

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