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Has your office implemented the Red Line policy?

If your office has implemented the RED LINE Policy, where you are not allowed, after returning from your route to the office, to take anything across the RED LINE or back to your case. If management is requiring you to do additional duties, that you were not given credit for during last mail count, like waiting … Read more

Whose fault is it anyway?

My previous editorial “The Union Membership” raised some hackles.  Good, that is exactly what I wanted it to do.  Sometimes we have to instigate people to think about things from a different perspective.  If we are only surrounded by those with the exact same opinion, then we might not ever be challenged to look at … Read more

The Union membership.

  Not sure if most of you know this, but I usually stay on the union “bad” list for the information I share.  I am accused of letting non members have information only meant for union members.  I have heard this accusation since the beginning of this website.  Yes, I do share information that is … Read more

A very disturbing trend has appeared among rural carriers…

I have come across a disturbing trend among rural carriers these last couple of months. I hear from so many that this is not the time to worry about our rights as rural carriers.. and that we have bigger things to worry about. While, I certainly understand that the USPS is in dire consequences, this … Read more

Brief history of the rural craft

The following brief history recap is from Mort on delphi, he has combined his memory of things, along with facts from “A Centennial Portrait” by Lester F. Miller Very interesting read for those of us that were not around back in the 1970s… Thanks Mort.. Here is some history for you youngsters. I was hired … Read more

United we Stand? Not Quite….

United we stand?? Do we as a union stand united?  Are we all for one and one for all?  In my opinion, no we are not.  We are nothing like the labor unions of the old days.  We really do not have the kind of power they had back then.   The best a postal … Read more

I am a fraud, a rural stalker, an IMPOSTER… Oh the horror

Ruralinfo.net note: This is a blast from the past.. Something I wrote a couple of years ago…  Still makes me giggle to this day..  Enjoy! Ok, so, I got word that one certain State Steward is telling carriers in his state that moi (ruralinfo) has been checked out by the NRLCA National Officers and that … Read more

The USPS Double Standard..

Historical Editorial – Not recent- you will see references to past events The latest GAO report about spending by management just shows that the the USPS recession only affects craft workers. http://www.uspsoig.gov/foia_files/FF-AR-10-025.pdf While craft jobs are being cut management is continuing business as usual.. There is a new VP of “something” about once a month. … Read more

10 things you might not know about the USPS

Presidential Postal Workers Two postmasters became US Presidents later in their careers. Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman. Truman held the title and signed papers but immediately turned the position and its pay over to an assistant. Lincoln was the only President who had served as a postmaster. Famous Postal Workers Some famous people that were … Read more

Route Vehicles and Inequality

Yesterday, I asked a simple question of my followers on Facebook. I asked them, “How many days of your annual leave or LWOP have you had to sacrifice for the sake of vehicle repairs?” This stirred a lot of rural carriers up BIG TIME. Of course most had used a lot of their annual/vacation days … Read more

What have unions done? Here’s what….

I put these facts together because I am really growing tired of all of the anti-union rhetoric and propaganda that seems to be the popular opinion these days. Americans have forgotten that the middle class was built on unions. If you receive paid holidays, thank a union. If you receive vacation time, thank a union. … Read more

Wrong side driving. Does the USPS condone it or not?

There was an article written in the Roanoke Times this week about rural carriers delivering from the right side while reaching across to the left to use the steering wheel and brake/gas controls. The reporter contacted me a couple of months ago asking if he could post on my message boards to solicit opinions from … Read more

Twas the day after Christmas overtime

Its that time again.. I always pull out my Christmas OT poem about this time every year.. I wrote this a few years ago, but nothing ever changes.. Twas the day after Christmas overtime and all around my case were piles and piles of catalogs with not an inch of floor in the place I … Read more

On the 12th day of Christmas Overtime the USPS gave to me…

The 12 days things is going around FB, so I thought I would add our own special touch! On the 12th day of Christmas Overtime the USPS gave to me… 12 Migraine headaches 11 Busted knuckles 10 False directives 9 Letters of Warning 8 Managers freaking 7 Shoulders aching 6 Pre-D discussions Fiiiivvvveeee broken machines … Read more

15 things your rural carrier wont tell you…

1. No, you didnt get any mail.  If you had any mail I would have put it in your box. Just because you didnt find any mail in your box DOES NOT mean someone stole your mail. There really are times when you do not get mail. I promise.   2. No, the USPS did … Read more