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The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive and rural carriers…

It is that time again.  Every year the NALC sponsors the Stamp Out Hunger food drive.  In 2010, the NRLCA became an official partner of the food drive.  I am not going to get into whether you should help or not as that is an issue that rears it’s head every year in the world … Read more

Notes from SAC – South Atlantic Conference

Submitted by attendee – Thanks for sharing. You know who you are 😉   Work Place Environment – Harassment The first seminar was Saturday evening from 6:30-9:30 pm. It was given by Joey Johnson, Director of Labor Relations, NRLCA, and David Heather, Director of Steward Operations, NRLCA. This seminar focused on the work place environment. … Read more

Hey Amazon.. Deliverin’ ain’t easy

A Ruralinfo.net editorial A couple of years ago, Amazon had an epiphany.  They decided they could start their own delivery service to cut out the middle man. (i.e. UPS, Fedex, USPS)  So they went full steam ahead and started hiring people off the street to deliver their parcels.  It started first in the big cities, but … Read more

Highlights of the 2016 NRLCA National Convention

Location: Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, Nashville, Tennessee Here is what I know that happened at the convention The 2015-2018 contract hard copy should be available by the end of September The engineer study is in a scale up phase and they anticipate there might be some problems with that because there are factors … Read more

Larger mailboxes are not a good thing for rural carriers

By Ruralinfo.net You might have seen an article I posted yesterday about the Postal Service approving new larger mailbox standards.  While it will not affect boxes currently on rural routes, (unless a customer voluntarily goes to the larger box) it will NOT be good for the craft as a whole. I hope most of you … Read more

State Convention and Amazon Stress Test Updates

These updates were sent to Ruralinfo.net by a trusted source and were confirmed as correct by several other sources.  Please join me in thanking those that want to keep information flowing to rural carriers.  If not for them, thousands of dues paying rural carriers would be left in the dark wondering what might be happening … Read more

APWU is not the only contract that ends this week

The rural carrier contract ends on May 20th, 2015.  Just two days from now.  The NRLCA previously announced back in March that they were going into negotiations but we have not received any information.  Will we get any information before it expires, or will be be left wondering what the future holds?  Are they holding … Read more

Would you like a shelving system in your LLV?

In July, Wheeler Bros., Inc. (WBI) was awarded a delivery order to supply 10,000 engineered shelving kits to the United States Postal Service for use in the Long Life Delivery Vehicles (LLV). This delivery order has a value of $2.9 million, with an option to purchase up to 40,000 additional kits following the initial delivery. … Read more

There is no knowledge without unity

I am seeing a lot of posts about carriers returning from their state conventions. I would love if someone would put together some highlights I can share with everyone. With the huge growth of this website and our various social networks, surely someone is willing to step up for me..  There have been several in … Read more

Highlights from the NRLCA Eastern States Conference

Huge Thank You going out to Jerri Michelle Gatewood for sharing her information with all of us.  First a couple of major issues: Convention entertainment: It is with great joy that I announce that after seven years of personal grass root efforts and informing others our hard work has paid off.. Jeanette Dwyer has announced no … Read more

Delivery Person Dog Shaming

      “If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.” ― Mark Twain Follow Ruralinfo.net’s board Postal/Delivery person Dog Shaming on Pinterest.

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows the game

This is a Ruralinfo.net Editorial. Click here to see all Ruralinfo.net editiorials It never ceases to amaze me when a carrier happens upon Ruralinfo.net and then proceeds to tell us how much they love their job and they wonder why everyone complains so much on my website. They wonder why there is so much negative … Read more