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Ratification meeting report by Ruralinfo.net

Ruralinfo.net – I attended my contract ratification meeting yesterday and here are my notes It was agreed that RCAs could be forced to work in other offices, but that they are being forced now, and this will make sure they get mileage pay. It was stressed that it can only be for a full assignment, … Read more

Rural Carriers and the upcoming food drive

It is that time again.  Every year the NALC sponsors the Stamp Out Hunger food drive.  In 2010, the NRLCA became an official partner of the food drive.  I am not going to get into whether you should help or not as that is an issue that rears it’s head every year in the world … Read more

Guidelines for Acts of God at the USPS

The Postal Service takes a narrow view on Administrative Leave for Acts of God.  They must be general instead of personal, meaning large groups of employees not being able to make it to work. See more information at the links below: 1.  Click here for Act of God information from the NRLCA 2.  Click here for Act … Read more

Submitting your edit book DOES NOT update your pay

The most important form in a rural carrier’s work life- The PS Form 4003 The PS Form 4003 contains all the route’s current, active delivery data including an official line of travel, current number of deliveries, miles traveled, authorized dismounts, etc… This form is used to update any changes that occur on a rural route between … Read more

Rural Carriers in Florida need our help

To give immediate help, donate through paypal to JTouchton76@gmail.com Also need paper towels, baby wipes, work gloves, brooms, dust pans, garbage bags, etc. Not in Florida but want to help? Here’s the address to ship any supplies to. Julie Touchton will make sure supplies are distributed. Amazon would be a great option. Julie Touchton-Rural Carrier C/O Panama … Read more

Big Brother is watching you

Hearing news of a new tool corporate is using (supposedly) in every district. It reports (by office) every time a carrier backs up, u-turns, left turns, deviates, accelerates too fast, brakes too fast. They are calling those “Events”. They intend it to be a tool for the PM’s to get lists of people they have … Read more

Notes from the Q and A session at SAC

JJ: Joey Johnson JD: Jeanette Dwyer SB: Shirley Baffa RS: Ronnie Stutts Q: IF VOLUME DISAPPEARS DURING MAIL COUNT DOES THE UNION HAVE A PLAN? JD: ONLY IF WE CAN PROVE THEY DID IT DELIBERATELY   Q: When we receive oversize parcels how do we handle team lift ? JD: you do not use team … Read more

No, ALL RCAs do not get paid hourly during the Christmas period

I keep hearing from RCAs that say they are being told by their Postmaster/Supervisor that all RCAs get paid hourly instead of evaluated during the Christmas period. This is NOT correct. Only RCAs that are designation 79 will get paid hourly during the Christmas period.   Most rural carriers hired after 1987 are Designation 78 … Read more

Good news – our mobile app is live again

Good news.  The ruralinfo.net redesigned mobile app is now back up.  A couple of things to know: IMPORTANT – Before installing, please   delete the old Ruralinfo app from your device. Some new features have been added.  I hope you like them.. Download for Apple Download for Android Browser App Scan the QR code on the … Read more

Rural Carriers Beware – Purchasing insurance for your route vehicles.

A very important FYI for anyone that uses their personally owned vehicle to deliver mail. Though an insurance company may tell you that your vehicle is covered please do not rely on it. This person had a commercial policy with Progressive.. Also here is some important info from the USPS on tort claims.. https://knowledgebase.ruralinfo.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/tort-claim1.pdf Please share … Read more