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Rural carrier assists woman after fall

Rural Carrier Fran Geisler was delivering to the home of a customer in Hooper, NE, when she noticed the mail from the previous day hadn’t been picked up. Geisler, who knew the customer had mobility issues, knocked on the door and called out. “I need help,” came the reply. The elderly woman had fallen the … Read more

Rural carrier’s actions help uncover tragedy

Rural Carrier Maci Myers was delivering mail in Cyril, OK, last winter when she noticed a little girl wandering outside a residence. While it wasn’t unusual for Myers to encounter children on her route, she sensed that something wasn’t quite right. She stopped and asked the girl if she was OK. The postal employee was … Read more

Observant rural carrier credited with saving life

Rural Carrier Kellie Vail noticed a customer on her route in Olathe, KS, hadn’t picked up his mail in several days. The postal employee grew concerned and decided to knock on the door. The customer responded that he had fallen down his stairs three days prior. Vail contacted emergency services to get the man medical … Read more

Rural carrier ushers canines out of harm’s way

Rural Carrier Eugene Petrucci was delivering on his route in Furlong, PA, when he noticed flames coming from a customer’s garage. While it was clear there was no one home, the postal employee was familiar with the family and knew they had three dogs. He parked his vehicle and ran to the front door, opening … Read more

Rural carrier earns praise from rescued customer’s family

Rural Carrier Jennifer Winfrey was recently on duty in Minden, LA, when she heard an older customer yelling for help. Winfrey rushed to aid the woman, who had fallen inside her home and sustained multiple lacerations. The Postal Service employee immediately called the customer’s son, at her request, and rendered first aid until he arrived. … Read more

Rural carrier gets help for customer with broken hip

Rural Carrier Associate Joseph Eskew was delivering mail on a frigid December day in Riner, VA, when he spotted a 92-year-old customer who had fallen in her driveway. Eskew rushed to check on the woman, who asked him to help her back to her house. He safely carried her inside and called 911, as well … Read more

Rural carrier acts on concern for customer’s well-being

Danielle Toler, a rural carrier, was recently making deliveries in Republic, WA, when she grew concerned about an older customer whose mail was piling up. Toler alerted the local Post Office, which contacted the woman’s family members. They checked on the customer, found her to be critically ill and made sure she received the care … Read more

Rural carrier guides driver to safety after car accident

Rural Carrier Jessica Reimers was recently delivering mail on an icy day in Fullerton, NE, when she came upon a car overturned in a ditch, with an older driver climbing out of the vehicle. Reimers immediately called 911 and guided the woman to safety. The Postal Service employee comforted the driver until emergency responders and … Read more

Rural carrier saves customer’s life on freezing day

Olivia Allee, a rural carrier associate, was making deliveries in December in California, MO, when she spotted an older customer who’d fallen outside. The man asked Allee for help, but she couldn’t safely lift him, so she immediately called 911. The Postal Service employee then located a blanket to warm him until emergency responders arrived. … Read more

Rural carrier saves customer injured inside home

Shawn Jones, a rural carrier, was recently delivering mail in Moodus, CT, when she heard an older customer yelling for help. Jones saw the woman lying on the kitchen floor, found the door locked and immediately called 911. The Postal Service employee remained on the scene until emergency responders arrived and took the customer to … Read more

Rural carrier honored for saving dogs from fire

DOYLESTOWN TWP., Pa. — A Bucks County postal carrier was honored for saving two dogs from a burning home in Buckingham Township. Eugene Petrucci was given the Postmaster General Hero Award at the Furlong Post Office on Tuesday morning. Petrucci said he was doing his usual route when he noticed smoke coming from the garage … Read more

Rural carrier saves three customers from house fire

Denise Dabney, a rural carrier, was recently delivering mail in Crewe, VA, when she spotted smoke billowing from a residence. Dabney, who also serves the community as a volunteer emergency responder, immediately called 911 and assisted neighbors in rescuing three customers from the home. Firefighters soon arrived to battle the blaze. “Due to Denise’s quick … Read more

Rural carrier finds way to save customer’s life

Judith Wilbourn, a rural carrier in Okemah, OK, was recently making deliveries when she grew concerned about a customer whose mail was piling up unusually. Wilbourn alerted the woman’s neighbors, who soon checked on her and found her stranded in her yard, where she’d fallen several days earlier. They ensured she received the care she … Read more

Rural mail carrier Olivia Allee awarded Postmaster General Hero award

Rural carrier Olivia Allee was awarded with a Postmaster General Hero award from California Postmaster Krystal Drone on Feb. 21, for her quick work attending to the safety of a local customer. According to a summery of events, while delivering mail, Allee found a note from the customer offering a baked pie for her. Walking … Read more

Rural carrier saves hypoglycemic customer’s life

Jerelyn Morton, a rural carrier in Stockbridge, GA, was recently delivering mail when she spotted a customer, James Alexander, unconscious in his garage. Morton sprang into action, enlisting the help of his neighbor Roberta Richardson, calling 911 and performing CPR on him for five minutes until emergency responders arrived and took over. Alexander, who has … Read more

Rural carrier aids toddler, dog, wandering far from home

Rural Carrier Robert Parnell was recently delivering mail in Sturgeon, MO, when he came upon a 2-year-girl and her dog as they were walking by themselves along a railroad track. Parnell immediately stopped to check on the toddler, who was crying and said she was lost. The Postal Service employee called 911 and comforted the … Read more

Rural carrier leads police to dead customer, living pet

Rural Carrier Malenia Orr was recently making deliveries in New Springfield, OH, when she grew concerned about a customer whose mail was piling up unusually. She soon saw a police officer and asked him to check on the man. The customer was found deceased, with his dog inside the residence with him. The pet was … Read more