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Rural Carrier Hero: Charles Anderson, Florence, MS

Florence, MS, Rural Carrier Charles Anderson recently stopped by a store after work and saw a woman running through a nearby field.She looked upset and flustered, and Anderson soon realized why: The woman was trying to catch a small child who was chasing a dog headed toward a four-lane highway.The woman wasn’t going to reach … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Deana Hundley, London, KY

London, KY, Rural Carrier Dena Hundley was on her route when she saw a child running near a busy street. The crying boy said he was lost. Hundley couldn’t find anyone nearby that knew the boy, so she called the police and stayed with him until they arrived. He was later reunited with his family. … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Karen Davis, Century, FL

Century, FL, Rural Carrier Karen Davis became suspicious when she noticed a piece of mail regarding social security benefits was incorrectly addressed to her customer. She delivered it to the customer, who later learned someone had attempted to collect benefits in her name. The woman was then able to stop the payments. Source: Karen Davis, … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Lynn McMillan, Columbia, SC

Moncks Corner, SC, Rural Carrier Lynn McMillan was delivering mail when she encountered a man who had been assaulted and robbed. She called 911 and the man’s daughter. Emergency responders arrived and helped the man, who later sent McMillan a note to thank her. In 2010, McMillan rescued a man who fell into a ditch. … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Jeremy Pasley, Adairsville, GA

Adairsville, GA, Rural Carrier Jeremy Pasley became concerned when he noticed a customer wasn’t collecting her mail. He entered the house, found the ill woman lying on the floor and called 911. Emergency responders took her to a hospital, where she recovered. Source: USPS News Link – Heroes Corner Archive – June 2015

Rural Carrier Hero: Lesa Howell, Ozark AR

Ozark, AR, Rural Carrier Lesa Howell was delivering mail recently when she noticed a woman lying on the ground. The woman said she had fallen while coming down the steps and had been immobile for more than three hours. Howell called for help and retrieved a blanket and pillow to keep the woman comfortable. She … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Tim Armbruster, Foley, MO

Foley, MO, Rural Carrier Tim Armbruster was delivering mail when he saw a man who had fallen and injured himself. Armbruster called 911 and stayed with the man until emergency responders arrived. The man’s wife later called the Post Office to thank Armbruster for helping her husband, who was treated for a broken leg. Source: … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Jacque Martin, Italy, TX

Italy, TX, Rural Carrier Jacque Martin was delivering mail when she encountered a woman who fell and injured herself an hour earlier. Martin called 911, covered the woman with a blanket and stayed with her until help arrived. The woman, who broke a wrist and hip, was expected to recover. Source: USPS News Link – … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Anita Fee, Crestview, FL,

Florida rural carrier helps, inspires others Crestview, FL, Rural Carrier Anita Fee Since joining the Postal Service 14 years ago, Crestview, FL, Rural Carrier Anita Fee has come to the aid of several customers, including one whose home caught fire and a woman about to give birth. But Fee’s daily acts of heroism inspire her … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Bobbie Smith, Harrisburg, AR

Harrisburg, AR, Rural Carrier Bobbie Smith was on her route when she saw a house fire. She alerted a neighbor, who called 911. Smith also helped a man and his dog escape. Firefighters credit Smith’s swift action with saving the house. Source: USPS News Link – Heroes Corner Archive – June 2015

Rural Carrier Hero: Nelson Medina, Granite City, IL

Granite City, IL, Rural Carrier Nelson Medina was on his route when he came upon a car accident. He recognized one victim and called her family, along with 911. Medina also waited with the injured woman until help arrived. She later sent a letter to the Post Office thanking him. Source: USPS News Link – … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Ronald Wheeler, Shelbyville, TX

Shelbyville, TX, Rural Carrier Ronald Wheeler recently knocked on a customer’s front door to deliver a package when he heard someone inside calling for help. Wheeler opened the door and found the customer had fallen and couldn’t get up. He called her daughter, who called 911. Wheeler stayed with the woman and kept her calm … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Brenda Vaughn, Stoutsville, MO

Stoutsville, MO, Rural Carrier Brenda Vaughn was delivering mail when she saw a customer fall. Vaughn and two neighbors helped the injured woman up and into her home. After making sure the woman didn’t need medical attention, Vaughn continued on her route. Source: USPS News Link – Heroes Corner archive – May 2015

Midstate Rural mail carrier turns into a life-saver for one older woman 

In rural areas, mail carriers are the link to the community for some. But one postal worker in upper Dauphin County was a life-saver too.Chantel Bouchard delivers to 500 homes on her 52-mile route that’s usually quiet.But one day in January, she thought she heard cries for help.Indeed, Jean Klinger had fallen in the ice and … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Sharon Boe, Beulah, ND

Beulah, ND, Rural Carrier Sharon Boe was driving on her route when she saw a rapidly spreading grass fire. She alerted the fire department, which spent hours battling the blaze. The fire chief said Boe’s quick action prevented the fire from reaching two houses. Source: USPS News Link – Heroes Corner archive – May 2015

Rural Carrier Hero: Deborah Bilsky, Verona, WI

Verona, WI, Rural Carrier Deborah Bilsky was delivering mail when she saw a woman lying on the ground. The woman said she fell and injured herself 90 minutes earlier while walking a dog. Bilsky called 911 and stayed with the woman until emergency responders arrived. Source: USPS News Link – Heroes Corner archive – May … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Virginia Ingle – Dover, FL

Dover, FL, Rural Carrier Virginia Ingle was on her route recently when she spotted a man riding a bicycle from one mailbox to another, opening each one and stuffing the mail down his shirt. Ingle called Officer in Charge Tammy Brock, who contacted local police and the Postal Inspection Service. Officers went to the neighborhood, … Read more