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Rural Carrier Hero:  Cay Reynolds, Bigfork, MT

Bigfork, MT, Rural Carrier Cay Reynolds was approaching the last mailbox on her route during a recent snow storm when she noticed a woman lying on the road. The woman was soaking wet and appeared to be in great pain. Her dog was nearby. Reynolds wrapped her coat around the woman and dialed 911. Since … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Valerie Hoffman – Osmond, NE

Osmond, NE, Rural Carrier Valerie Hoffman was delivering mail recently when she saw smoke coming from grass near a bean field. Hoffman ran to the fire and stomped it out. The farmer thanked Hoffman and said the fire may have been caused by a spark when he moved harvesting equipment. “It was all in a … Read more

"Anyone would have done the same” says hero rural mail carrier

It was an everyday action that could have ended in tragedy if it wasn’t for the intervention of Fairland, IN Rural Carrier Michael Short. Brian Booth heard a noise coming from the exhaust of his Dodge Caravan, so he got his car jack and slid under the vehicle. Suddenly, the jack fell on its side, … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Patrick Dolan, Elkhorn, WI 

Elkhorn, WI, Rural Carrier Patrick Dolan was delivering mail recently when he saw a man lying in a driveway. The man had been there for more than 30 minutes after he fell and injured himself. Dolan called 911 and stayed with him until help arrived. Source: Patrick Dolan, Elkhorn, WI | USPS News Link

Rural Carrier Hero: David Kann, Guttenberg, IA

Guttenberg, IA, Rural Carrier David Kann was delivering mail recently when he noticed an unattended pile of leaves burning in front of a house. Winds had swept some of the burning leaves onto the building. Kann notified the homeowner, and together they put out the fire. Source: David Kann, Guttenberg, IA | USPS News Link

Rural Carrier Hero: Lakisha Powell, Nashville, NC

Nashville, NC, Rural Carrier Lakisha Powell was recently delivering a package to a man when he suddenly became dizzy and started to fall. Powell caught him and helped him sit down. The man declined Powell’s offer to call 911 but asked her to alert his wife, who was inside his house. He was grateful for … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Vera Jean Smothers, Chandler, OK 

Chandler, OK, Rural Carrier Vera Jean Smothers was delivering mail recently when she saw a man lying in a front yard. She helped the injured man back into his house, called 911 and stayed until help arrived. Source: Vera Jean Smothers, Chandler, OK | USPS News Link

Texas Rural Carrier pulls man from overturned SUV

Lometa, TX, Rural Carrier Robert “Bobby” Odom was driving to work recently when he saw a Ford Bronco swerve, flip and roll three times before resting on its roof. “The Bronco crossed right in front of me. I was very lucky it didn’t slam into my vehicle,” he said. Odom stopped, called 911 and rushed … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Justin Moore, Freeport, IL 

Freeport, IL, Rural Carrier Justin Moore was delivering mail recently when he noticed a man on the roof of a house. The man told Moore that his ladder fell. Moore found the ladder, placed it against the house and helped the man climb down. Source: Justin Moore, Freeport, IL | USPS News Link

Wisconsin rural carrier helps injured customer

Birnamwood, WI, Rural Carrier Lori Szutkowski was delivering mail recently when a customer waved her down from a front porch. As Szutkowski got closer, she noticed the man was suffering from a severe head injury. Szutkowski called 911 and applied pressure to the wound, which occurred while the man was operating heavy equipment. Paramedics arrived … Read more

Florida rural carrier rescues couple from wreck

Mulberry, FL, Rural Carrier Kevin Abell recently spotted an overturned car in a ditch. The accident had occurred moments earlier. Abell waded into waist-deep water and rescued a couple trapped inside the vehicle. “Kevin alwaysgoes above and beyond in our office, and this is just another indication of his concern for others,” said Officer in … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Robin Rohn, Millington, MI

Millington, MI, Rural Carrier Robin Rohn was delivering mail recently when she noticed a porch fire. She attempted to alert the residents but no one was home. Rohn then called 911 and shoveled dirt onto the flames until emergency responders arrived and extinguished the blaze. Source: Millington, MI, Rural Carrier Robin Rohn | USPS News … Read more

Rural Carrier rescues injured woman on road

Cay Dee Reynolds sees a lot of unusual things on her daily route as a mail carrier. She’s seen bear, elk, moose — all kinds of critters in 15 years of doing her rural route on the outskirts of Bigfork. She doesn’t often rescue people.  But that’s what she did when she recently found a … Read more

Texas Rural Carrier helps children after break-in

Arlington, TX, Rural Carrier Kevin Liles was delivering mail recently when two children ran over to him and said someone had broken into their home. Liles called 911 and stayed with the youngsters until police arrived. Based on descriptions the children provided, police caught the suspects and charged them with breaking into several homes in … Read more

Nebraska Rural Carrier rescues customer thrown from horse

Arnold, NE, Rural Carrier Geraldine Webb was delivering mail to a ranch recently when she noticed a horse bucking nearby. When Webb didn’t see a rider, she looked around and spotted a man lying on the ground. Webb offered to call an ambulance for the injured man, but he asked her to call his daughter … Read more

Roane County deputy, Rural mail carrier rescue woman trapped in car

Branches were broken, a chain link fence was knocked to the ground, and about 250 feet from the road a car was sitting in an embankment. “I thought, ‘What in the world is a car doing in there?’ It was back behind the chain link fence, and I thought, ‘How in the world did a … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero:  Stacey Johnson, Pikeville, KY,

Pikeville, KY, Rural Carrier Stacey Johnson was delivering mail recently when she saw a woman lying in a yard after collapsing. Johnson called 911 and comforted the woman until help arrived. The woman’s husband later sent a letter to the Post Office thanking Johnson. Source: Pikeville, KY, Rural Carrier Stacey Johnson | USPS News Link