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Rural Carrier Hero: Alva Reynolds, Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City Rural Carrier Alva Reynolds also encountered a customer who was stranded outside after slipping on ice. Reynolds was the first passerby to hear the woman crying out for help. After he called 911, he got a blanket from her car to help her warm up, retrieved her phone from her purse so she … Read more

Rural Carrier Heroes:  Tawnee Agnew, Rock Island, WA; Brenda Wren, Magnolia, TX

Rock Island, WA, Rural Carrier Associate Tawnee Agnew called 911 after she witnessed smoke billowing from a residence. Firefighters determined that no one was at home, and local Postmaster Tammie Day later commended Agnew for “quick thinking” that helped prevent the fire from spreading to adjacent properties. When Magnolia, TX, Rural Carrier Brenda Wren detected … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Sherry Moodespaugh, Caledonia, OH

Harsh winter storms in Marsing, ID, made navigating the countryside a challenge for Rural Carrier Mara Ralls and local residents, many of whom were stuck at home at times with several feet of snow in their driveways. Ralls encountered one such customer while delivering mail earlier this year: an older man at the end of … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Mara Ralls, Marsing, ID 

Harsh winter storms in Marsing, ID, made navigating the countryside a challenge for Rural Carrier Mara Ralls and local residents, many of whom were stuck at home at times with several feet of snow in their driveways. Ralls encountered one such customer while delivering mail earlier this year: an older man at the end of … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Luis Cortes, Estero, FL 

Rural Carrier Luis Cortes recently had Certified Mail for a customer in Estero, FL. When he knocked on the woman’s door and she told him to come in, he was surprised to find her on the floor. She told him she’d fallen three days earlier. He immediately called 911. While waiting for emergency responders to … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Pat Pittman, Seminary, MS

Rural Carrier Pat Pittman recently turned onto a quiet country road in Seminary, MS, and witnessed a frightening sight: Two children — a boy and a girl — were running toward a nearby highway. The boy was barking orders at the girl, who was in tears as she struggled to keep up. Pittman stopped to … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Elaine Hudson, Hendersonville, NC

Rural Carrier Elaine Hudson was delivering mail in Hendersonville, NC, when she discovered that a woman had fallen outside her home. Hudson helped her get inside and contacted her daughter, who called 911 and rushed to the scene. When she got there, Hudson helped her move furniture to provide easier access for emergency responders, who … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Minette Hess, Mount Vernon, OH

The cries of “Help me! Help me!” were faint but distinct as Rural Carrier Minette Hess recently delivered mail to a home in Mount Vernon, OH. She looked around and saw customer Brian Boggs pinned beneath an SUV in his driveway. He had been working on the vehicle when it slipped out of gear and … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Sabrina Tibbetts, Bangs, TX 

On a recent 112-degree day in Bangs, TX, Rural Carrier Sabrina Tibbetts heard a faint cry for help. She looked around and saw a customer on the ground beside his house, where she’d just delivered mail. Tibbetts, who is also trained as an emergency medical technician, rushed to the man’s side and found him bleeding … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: RCA Angela Emschweiler, Windsor, CA

Rural Carrier Associate Angela Emschweiler was delivering mail recently in Windsor, CA, when she saw a 90-year-old customer walking from his house toward his mailbox. The man lost his balance and fell backward against the garage door before landing on the cement driveway. The postal employee rushed to his side, called 911 and stayed with … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Paul Littrell, Clearfield, UT 

A Utah man’s recent lunch break left him with a broken ankle, a concussion — and a heart full of gratitude for the postal employee who heard him crying out for help. Harold Muir was home from work when he decided to clear some fishing gear out of his boat parked in the driveway. He was … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Ryan Mallow, Jackson, OH

A sharp-eyed postal employee in Jackson, OH, recently got help for the victim of a single-car accident. Rural Carrier Associate Ryan Mallow was delivering mail when he saw an SUV at the bottom of a steep embankment. The driver was slumped over the steering wheel. Mallow called 911 and tried to access the automobile himself, … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Roger Vaad, Omaha, NE

An accident with a circular saw recently left an Omaha, NE, postal customer in dire need of help after he cut off two fingers. “He was alone, couldn’t talk straight, was very disoriented — I think he was going into shock,” said Rural Carrier Roger Vaad, who was delivering mail when the man came running … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Betty Stevers, Pembroke, VA

A malfunctioning medical-alert necklace recently left a postal customer desperate for assistance after she fell at her Pembroke, VA, home. While delivering mail, Rural Carrier Betty Stevers heard the woman crying out for help as she lay on her front porch. Stevers called the woman’s daughter and stayed on the scene until she arrived. The … Read more

Freezing young girl rescued by rural carrier sub (RCA)

Blair, WI, Rural Carrier Associate Mike Ressel was delivering his route when he spotted a very young girl outside wondering around half-dressed in the cold winter weather. He secured his vehicle and went to speak with the little girl. She was looking for her mother who had left the night before to get groceries, leaving … Read more

Rural Carrier Hero: Tony Sizemore, New Salisbury, IN

New Salisbury, IN, Rural Carrier Tony Sizemore was delivering mail recently when an SUV passed him as he was stopped at a highway mailbox. The SUV collided with another vehicle head-on, flipped over and caught fire. Sizemore and a passerby rescued the driver of the SUV before it became engulfed in flames. The driver’s mother … Read more