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Route Route Evaluation Dispute Process (RREDP) MOU and Dispute Form

The U.S. Postal Service and the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA) have agreed to an alternate dispute resolution process to resolve disputes, outside the formal grievance procedure, following the implementation of rural route evaluations effective April 5, 2025.

RRECS Mini Mail Survey Scheduled for February 22-March 7, 2025

The next RRECS Mini Mail Survey (MMS) will be held February 22 to March 7, 2025. Route Evaluations will go into effect on Saturday, April 5, 2025. Click here to download the Important Dates. Mini Mail Survey Resources will be updated here as they are available: www.nrlca.org/Content/MiniMailSurvey2025

RRECS Activity Editing Pilot Tests

The NRLCA was notified by the Postal Service of their intent to conduct two (2) isolated pilot tests involving RRECS Activity Editing. One in the CO-WY district involving 233 routes and one in the TX-2 district involving 565 routes. There will be NO CHANGE to RRECS evaluations as a result of the pilot tests. The … Read more

Rural Route Evaluated Dispute Process (RREDP) Documentation Requirements and Updated Forms

The Rural Route Evaluation Dispute Process will be used to address disputes where the assigned carrier has identified potential errors. Local management and the carrier should discuss and work together to submit the necessary documentation needed to resolve the issue. Listed on the attached pages are some common issues being disputed and the recommended documentation … Read more

USPS Proposes Revisions to Rural Carrier Costing Methodology Resulting in Lower Periodicals Costs

The Postal Service requested that the PRC initiate a rulemaking proceeding to consider a change to rural carrier costing on November 21. The proposed revisions update the methodology for the calculation of rural carrier attributable costs to account for the new rural carrier route evaluation system. The proposal reduces unit Periodicals costs by ~1 cent per piece … Read more