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Brinson rural mail carrier retires after nearly four decades

Brinson bid adieu to Dennis Foulk, its rural mail carrier of 37 years, last Thursday. Foulk first started working for the U.S.P.S. as a substitute carrier in November of 1980, under Post Master Louise Scott.  He was promoted to regular carrier in August of 1984. Foulk spent his entire postal career delivering the mail for … Read more

Virginia rural mail carrier wins $4 million in Va. Lottery

PURCELLVILLE, Va. (ABC7) — A lucky man in Loudoun County has the feeling of being one in a million Thursday. Or more precisely, one in 1,305,600, the odds of winning the top prize in the Virginia Lottery’s Hot Millions Multiplier game. Bill Malsch, a mail carrier who lives in Purcellville, has won that $4 million … Read more

Union, MO RCA Hurt in Crash

A Union woman and postal service employee was hurt when the mail truck she was driving slid off the roadway and struck a utility pole Monday, Jan. 15. According to a Missouri State Highway patrol preliminary report Susan Luedde, 50, Union, was driving a 1990 USPS truck on Crider Road, north of North Bend Road … Read more

USPS seeks new revenue through Rural Reach

The Postal Service has a message for employees: There’s new revenue to be found everywhere — even rural areas. Through its Rural Reach program, USPS encourages rural carriers to help identify new sales opportunities for the organization. Here’s what you should know: • Rural Reach targets small-business customers. The program leverages rural carriers’ relationships with their … Read more

Rural mail carrier hangs up mailbag after 45 years with the USPS

“I thought about working until Feb. 1 and then retiring. That would have given me a full 45 years working for the postal service. But I decided I really didn’t want to haul over the Christmas holidays. That’s one of our busiest times of the year. So I retired on Dec. 1 and figured I … Read more

OUT IN STYLE: Hatten celebrates years as a rural mail carrier

Allen E. Hatten is not in the habit of going around wearing a tuxedo all willy nilly. And, perhaps not many rural mail carriers don a tuxedo for their retirement party from the USPS. But, for Hatten it was the appropriate attire. He had planned to wear a tux on his last mail route and, … Read more

Rural Carrier Vehicle Struck On Hwy. 55 in Goldsboro, NC (PHOTO GALLERY)

Firefighters from Smith Chapel Fire Department and EMS Station 3 responded to a two vehicle accident Monday. The white Chevrolet car driven by postal carrier Bonnie Moody of Mount Olive was rear-ended by a Ford F-150 truck driven by Felipe Ibarra of Dudley just before lunchtime Monday on Highway 55 West between Mount Olive and … Read more

Barnum, MN mail delivery a family affair

Good-natured banter fills the sorting room of the Barnum Post Office each morning as the three rural mail carriers and the manager sort the mail and get it ready to deliver. The mail carriers, Tracy Matuseski, Karla Hofford and Holly Gamst, know each other very well. They grew up together as siblings in the same … Read more

Retiring rural carrier takes final spin in style

Denny Graham recently ended his 42-year Postal Service career in style. The Henderson, MN, rural carrier delivered the last few miles of his route in a 1948 Plymouth he restored himself. “It was something we’ve had in the family a long time,” said Graham, a classic car enthusiast. “I thought it would be neat to … Read more

Rural Letter Carriers Local Treasurer in Michigan Charged

On June 2, Brenda Schaefer, former treasurer of National Rural Letter Carriers Association Local 39, was charged in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan in a one-count information with willful failure to maintain records of the Chesterfield Township (Macomb County) union. The charge follows an investigation by the Labor Department’s Office of … Read more

South Carolina postal employee (RCA) becomes U.S. citizen

Adrian Scott’s supervisor was surprised when he asked for a day off recently. Scott, a rural carrier associate at Fairfield Station on Hilton Head Island, SC, usually accepts all available work assignments. He initially didn’t explain why he was unable to work — but as the day approached, he couldn’t contain his enthusiasm. After months … Read more

Postal jeep fire stops postal service in McClellanville, SC

Rain, snow, natural disasters — not much stops the US Postal Service. But a heated incident on Sallie Manigault Lane in McClellanille did stop the delivery of mail in its tracks Tuesday.  Officials with the Awendaw-McClellanville Consolidated Fire District say no one was injured in the fire, and the cause remains under investigation. Source: WCIV

Speed skating RCA is Olympic hopeful

Waukesha, WI, Post Office employees have an aspiring Olympian in their midst. Rural Carrier Associate Nick Turro hopes to compete in long-track speed skating at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. “I was always really fast,” said Turro, whose ice finesse as a college and junior league hockey player pushed him to try … Read more

Rural mail carrier runs his last route

Keith Walterscheidt was a rural mail carrier for 29 years. As of Wed., May 31, Keith can say that he retired from the job. “It’s just been a pretty good place to work,” Keith said. “It’s like anything else, there’s always some rough spots here and there, but you look back and it was all … Read more

Two injured when rural mail carrier’s car struck

CONCORDIA — Two men were injured about 10:50 a.m. Tuesday when a rural mail carrier’s car was struck from behind north of Concordia, according to a Kansas Highway Patrol report. Mitchell D. McMillan, 21, of Mankato, and mail carrier Rellen R. Goebel, 61, of Mahaska, were injured. McMillan was transported to Republic County Hospital following the collision … Read more

Rural postal carrier retires after 27 years

  LEXINGTON — Through rain, sleet, hail or snow — and sunshine too — Dick Childress has driven about 613,575 miles delivering mail on a rural route that extends to the Custer County line. His last day was Friday, as he steps into retirement, after 27 years. “My dad delivered this route years ago,” said … Read more