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Former Rural Carrier convicted of extortion and worker's compensation fraud pays restitution quickly

Carole Swan was ordered to pay $75,765.28 as restitution to the federal Department of Labor for workers’ compensation payments. She was convicted of two counts of making false statements to obtain federal employee’s compensation. She had signed documents saying she was unable to work because of injuries suffered years earlier ...

Rural Carrier Hero of the Day: Jo Del Hodges, Trinity, NC

Trinity, NC, Rural Carrier Jo Del Hodges was delivering a package to a residence when she heard someone calling for help inside. Hodges entered the unlocked house and found a woman on the bathroom floor. She had been there for several hours and needed medical care. Hodges called 911 and ...

Oklahoma rural carrier killed while delivering mail

A Ponca City rural mail carrier died of massive injuries at the scene of a two-vehicle collision Tuesday about two miles northwest of Ponca City. Two Ponca City men are also injured in the rural area wreck which happened at 12:57 p.m. in the unmarked intersection at West Tower Road ...

Rural Carrier hero of the day: Juanita Davis, NC

Warrenton, NC, Rural Carrier Juanita Davis was delivering mail when she came upon a husband and wife attempting to extinguish a fire in their yard. Davis helped them fill buckets of water and carry them to douse the flames. The woman later called the Post Office and said Davis saved ...

New MOU related to delayed RHD drive deployment and casing DPS Flats

The NRLCA and USPS signs MOU related to the delay of the USPS deployment of right-hand drive vehicles and carriers rights to case DPS flats MOU-DPS Flats-Vehicle-8-11-2014 via NRLCA.org ...

Some information on the new scanners

Some basic information on the new scanners from a rural carrier who just started using it on their route. The pen attached does not work.. You still have to have the customer sign the 3849. When you deliver something you have to indicate where you left it (in mailbox, at ...

Today in 1912 a rural carrier did this for the first time

A rural carrier in Bennington County, VT, was the first to deliver mail by car on a rural route today in 1912. — Postal Museum (@PostalMuseum) August 7, 2014 Twitter / PostalMuseum: A rural carrier in Bennington .... Shortly thereafter rural mail might have been delivered in one of these ...

Twice a hero – In separate incidents, rural carrier assists customer, co-worker

When Scio, NY, Rural Carrier Holly Stoll saw a car go off the road and roll to a stop near a ravine, she grabbed her phone and called 911. The driver was slumped over the steering wheel, so Stoll reached through a window and turned off the ignition. She stayed ...

Postal Hero of the day: Dianna Potter, Rural Carrier, South Shore, KY

South Shore, KY, Rural Carrier Dianna Potter was on her route when she saw a man lying in a driveway. Potter rushed to the man’s side, realized he needed medical attention and called 911. She performed CPR on the man until emergency responders arrived and took him to a hospital ...

NRLCA Signs Pre-Arbitration Settlement Related to Locked Mail Boxes

The issue in this grievance is whether rural carriers are entitled to additional time when they make more than one pass to a locked mail box. The parties agree that a locked mail box should have a slot large enough to accommodate the customer’s normal daily volume of mail. The ...

Super mailman’ – Rural Carrier saves mail after LLV catches fire

Midlothian, VA, Rural Carrier James Whitt had almost completed his route along a residential street when his LLV backfired and started running roughly. As soon as Whitt turned off the vehicle, the engine caught fire. Whitt determined it was safe to unload the vehicle and moved the mail to a ...

New 800 Number for CVS Caremark Member Services for RCBP members

New 800 Number for CVS Caremark Member Services Beginning July 7, 2014, Rural Carrier Benefit Plan members must use a new toll-free number to access CVS Caremark Member Services. The new phone number is 1-800-292-4182. The new toll-free number will provide RCBP members with direct access to the CVS Caremark ...

There is no knowledge without unity

I am seeing a lot of posts about carriers returning from their state conventions. I would love if someone would put together some highlights I can share with everyone. With the huge growth of this website and our various social networks, surely someone is willing to step up for me ...

NRLCA files National Level Step 4 Grievance related to compensation for “National Check with Inquiries (NACI)”

NRLCA files National Level Step 4 Grievance related to compensation for “National Check with Inquiries (NACI)” This case involves the Postal Inspection Service taking over the processing of National Check with Inquiries (NACI) investigations for career hires and employees converted to career from the Office of Personnel Management. The process ...

Rural mail carrier not stuck in the past

It’s a Saturday and the start of the weekend for most people. Not Clay Myer. He headed for the post office on Chestnut Street soon after daybreak to sort 3,000 pieces of mail and stack it in his Toyota pickup with a camper cover on the back. By 10:30 a.m., ...

Who knows what this is and what the USPS used it for?

I bet there are a lot of you who have never seen one of these..  I used one when I first came to work for the USPS..   So who can tell me what it is and what it was for?  I will share the answer after I see if ...