Rural Carrier Heroes: Sharyl Mataya, Hinckley, IL and Michelle Howard, Gravette, AR
Sharyl Mataya, Hinckley, IL Hinckley, IL, Rural Carrier Sharyl Mataya became concerned when she noticed a customer hadn’t collected mail in several days. The lights were on in the house, but the woman’s car hadn’t been moved. Mataya and Postmaster David Carvelli called the police, who found the customer had ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Chasiti Foster, Sperryville, VA
Sperryville, VA, Rural Carrier Chasiti Foster was delivering mail when she encountered a man lying on his front porch. He said he had fallen and was unable to move. Foster called 911 and stayed with him until emergency responders arrived. via USPS News Link - Heroes Corner Archive - February ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Randy Cunningham – Henderson TN
Henderson, TN, Rural Carrier Randy Cunningham always delivers for his customers. Sometimes, he delivers the customers themselves. Cunningham was on his route recently when he spotted a man collapse in front of his house. Cunningham rushed to the man’s side, picked him up, carried him inside and put him in ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Texas rural carrier alerts family to house fire
Sometimes heroism requires persistence — as Trenton, TX, Rural Carrier Bobby Stegman learned recently. Stegman was on his route when he noticed a home’s roof was burning. He raced to the front door and told the occupants their house was on fire, but they didn’t believe him. Family members thought ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Cara McIntosh – Bristolville, OH
Bristolville, OH, Rural Carrier Cara McIntosh doesn’t just move the mail. She also feels a duty to the community she serves. McIntosh was recently on her route when she saw a man removing appliances from an unoccupied house and loading them onto a truck. McIntosh wrote down the license number ...
NRLCA: Wounded Warriors Act Passes House
Wounded Warriors Act Passes House The Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act of 2015 (H.R. 313) was passed in the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The NRLCA had previously endorsed the legislation when it was first introduced in January 2015. The bipartisan legislation would allow disabled veterans who enter ...
Rural Carrier Heroes: Theresa Smith, Travelers Rest, SC and Renee Jones, Hampstead, NC
Theresa Smith, Travelers Rest, SC While on her route, Travelers Rest, SC, Rural Carrier Theresa Smith drove past a woman walking her dogs. When she checked her rearview mirror, she noticed the woman had suddenly disappeared. Smith went back and found she had fallen 10 feet into a ditch. After ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Allan Stickley, Boscobel, WI
Boscobel, WI, Rural Carrier Allan Stickley was driving on his route when he spotted a woman near a house with smoke pouring out the windows. She flagged him down and led him to an overheated wood furnace in the basement. Stickley saw the chimney was starting to catch fire. He ...
NRLCA, APWU, and USPS go to court over who sorts the mail
Early last fall, the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) filed a labor grievance against the Postal Service concerning who separates and sorts the mail brought back to the post office by rural carriers. Now the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association (NRLCA) has filed a lawsuit against the Postal Service and ...
South Carolina rural carrier helps ill woman
Irmo, SC, Rural Carrier Kendra Miller had finished her route and was on her way back to the Post Office when she saw a vehicle with the driver behind the wheel — her head laid back. Miller approached and found the doors locked with the engine still running. She knocked ...
Rural letter carrier writes book of experiences
Neither rain, nor sleet, nor a bear or other crazy experiences has kept Jesse Lee Hatfield from delivering the mail — they just motivated him to write a book. “I love being a rural mail carrier,” Hatfield said. The 55-year-old lives in Conway, but he has delivered mail for 23 ...
Part-time rural carriers claim they’re treated like ‘junk mail’
Photo: Toby Holder laments the Killeen post office's treatment of part-time rural carriers. For the last six years, Toby Holder has worked as a part-time, rural carrier for the U.S. Postal Service in Killeen. But the contract he signed with USPS turned out to be more than a part-time job, ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Kathy Potter, Middleburgh, NY
Middleburgh, NY, Rural Carrier Kathy Potter was on her route when she came upon a woman who had suffered a seizure and collapsed on her front porch. With the help of a neighbor, Potter alerted emergency responders and the woman’s husband, who was at work. Potter later learned the woman ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Michael Atwood, Richmond, KY
Richmond, KY, Rural Carrier Michael Atwood was delivering mail when he saw a truck with the driver slumped over. The man was too weak to move, so Atwood helped him out of the vehicle and into a nearby chair. Atwood called 911 and stayed with him until help arrived. via ...
NRLCA Supports the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act
National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Supports the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave ActFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 17, 2014National Rural Letter Carriers' Association – www.nrlca.orgContact: Margaret Boehm,, 703-797-8412The National Rural Letter Carriers' Association endorses the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act that was introduced by Senators Jon Tester D-MT and Jerry Moran R-KS ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Gordon Yunker, Hartington, NE
Hartington, NE, Rural Carrier Gordon Yunker was delivering mail when he came upon an overturned truck, with the injured driver pinned inside. Yunker called 911 and stayed until help arrived. The driver was taken by helicopter to a hospital where he was expected to recover. via USPS News Link - ...
IG: USPS spends far more on city mail carriers than rural carriers
The Postal Service is paying significantly more in costs to supervise city mail carriers than it does for rural carriers, says a Dec. 2 USPS inspector general report. For every 100 employees, supervisory costs – including salary and benefits – for city carriers were about $440,000 on average in fiscal 2013, the report (pdf) ...