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Step 4 for Not Scheduling an (RCA) after Being Involved in an At-Fault Motor Vehicle Accident

This case involved management not scheduling an RCA after being involved in a motor vehicle accident and providing no written discipline nor any notification of suspension of driving privileges. The parties agree based on no written notification the employee should have been scheduled for work that he was contractually entitled ...

Step 4 Settlement When Management Back Flows Mail Impacting a Mail Count

This case involved management putting out instructions to back flow mail from the office to the plant to put the mail in DPS just prior to a mail count. Immediately following the mail count further instructions went out instructing the offices to no longer back flow mail to the plant ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Glenn Berg, Cissna Park, IL 

Cissna Park, IL, Rural Carrier Glenn Berg became concerned when he noticed uncollected mail in a customer’s mailbox. He knocked on the woman’s front door, but no one answered. Berg called the Postmaster, who contacted police. Officers entered the house and found the customer in dire need of medical care ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Connie Potts, Morocco, IN 

Morocco, IN, Rural Carrier Connie Potts was delivering mail when she saw a man fall off a motorcycle and become pinned under it. She attempted help him, but the bike was too heavy to move. Two neighbors helped Potts free the biker, who suffered injuries but was able to make ...

Trial of man accused of killing Coldspring postal worker delayed until Feb. 2016

The capital murder trial of the man accused of slaying a Coldspring postal worker in May 2013 has been reset - again. The trial of James Wayne Ham, 38, is scheduled to begin on Feb. 16, barring any last-minute issues with witnesses or experts. Ham is accused of killing Eddie ...

Rural Carrier Handbook – PO 603 updated to include DPS Flats information

Effective July 9, 2015, the Postal Service™ is revising section 541.4 of Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities, to include additional compensation for DPS flats and a formal process for conducting quality reviews. * * * * * Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities * * * * ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Charles Anderson, Florence, MS

Florence, MS, Rural Carrier Charles Anderson recently stopped by a store after work and saw a woman running through a nearby field.She looked upset and flustered, and Anderson soon realized why: The woman was trying to catch a small child who was chasing a dog headed toward a four-lane highway.The ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Deana Hundley, London, KY

London, KY, Rural Carrier Dena Hundley was on her route when she saw a child running near a busy street. The crying boy said he was lost. Hundley couldn’t find anyone nearby that knew the boy, so she called the police and stayed with him until they arrived. He was ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Karen Davis, Century, FL

Century, FL, Rural Carrier Karen Davis became suspicious when she noticed a piece of mail regarding social security benefits was incorrectly addressed to her customer. She delivered it to the customer, who later learned someone had attempted to collect benefits in her name. The woman was then able to stop ...

State Convention and Amazon Stress Test Updates

These updates were sent to Ruralinfo.net by a trusted source and were confirmed as correct by several other sources.  Please join me in thanking those that want to keep information flowing to rural carriers.  If not for them, thousands of dues paying rural carriers would be left in the dark ...

Mail carrier dies when lightning rips tree down on truck

A 43-year-old postal worker died on her route Saturday when a lightning strike ripped a tree on a North Carolina congressman's property down on top of her mail truck, officials said. The tree smashed her vehicle and pinned her inside as a storm moved through the area at about 4:45 ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Lynn McMillan, Columbia, SC

Moncks Corner, SC, Rural Carrier Lynn McMillan was delivering mail when she encountered a man who had been assaulted and robbed. She called 911 and the man’s daughter. Emergency responders arrived and helped the man, who later sent McMillan a note to thank her. In 2010, McMillan rescued a man ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Jeremy Pasley, Adairsville, GA

Adairsville, GA, Rural Carrier Jeremy Pasley became concerned when he noticed a customer wasn’t collecting her mail. He entered the house, found the ill woman lying on the floor and called 911. Emergency responders took her to a hospital, where she recovered. Source: USPS News Link - Heroes Corner Archive ...

Rural Carrier Clay Myer left legacy of going above, beyond call of duty 

Clay Myer, the Centre resident who was president of the Alabama Rural Letter Carriers Association, died suddenly Thursday night at his home. He was 54.Myer had been re-elected president a week earlier at the group’s annual convention in Huntsville. It would have been his third term.A resident of Centre, Myer ...

 President Of The Alabama Rural Letter Carriers Association Passes Away At The Age Of 54

Clay Myer, the Centre resident who was president of the Alabama Rural Letter Carriers Association, died suddenly Thursday night at his home. He was 54. Myer was re-elected president a week ago at the group’s annual convention in Huntsville. It would have been his third term. Myer was a strong ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Lesa Howell, Ozark AR

Ozark, AR, Rural Carrier Lesa Howell was delivering mail recently when she noticed a woman lying on the ground. The woman said she had fallen while coming down the steps and had been immobile for more than three hours. Howell called for help and retrieved a blanket and pillow to ...

Wisconsin Rural Carrier retires after 45-year postal career 

The lifetime Bay City resident spent his final day as a rural mail carrier with the town’s post office on Wednesday, June 3 before retiring his nearly 45-year career. This was the same career that started when Hohmann first became a part-time worker at the office, a position he claimed ...