Rural Carrier Hero: Tim Armbruster, Foley, MO
Foley, MO, Rural Carrier Tim Armbruster was delivering mail when he saw a man who had fallen and injured himself. Armbruster called 911 and stayed with the man until emergency responders arrived. The man’s wife later called the Post Office to thank Armbruster for helping her husband, who was treated ...
Rollover sends rural mail carrier to hospital
A rollover crash on Copperhead Road Tuesday afternoon involving a rural mail carrier required the jaws of life.Wapello County Sheriff Mark Miller said that the accident on the gravel road was a basic traffic accident where the driver likely lost control on the gravel, overcorrected and "ended up in this ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Jacque Martin, Italy, TX
Italy, TX, Rural Carrier Jacque Martin was delivering mail when she encountered a woman who fell and injured herself an hour earlier. Martin called 911, covered the woman with a blanket and stayed with her until help arrived. The woman, who broke a wrist and hip, was expected to recover ...
NRLCA Endorses United States Postal Service Shipping Equity Act
Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA-14) has proposed legislation that would amend title 18, United States Code and title 39, United States Code to allow the USPS to ship alcohol likes its competitors UPS and FedEx. Currently, the Postal Service cannot ship beer, wine, or liquor. The bill would allow USPS to ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Anita Fee, Crestview, FL,
Florida rural carrier helps, inspires others Crestview, FL, Rural Carrier Anita Fee Since joining the Postal Service 14 years ago, Crestview, FL, Rural Carrier Anita Fee has come to the aid of several customers, including one whose home caught fire and a woman about to give birth. But Fee’s daily ...
Day in the life of a rural mail carrier
Under sage and other brush all through the long days, it's wearing me out and I am tired of the job." -- said Charles Nolin, pony mail carrier of the late 1800's.Those words, penned by John S. McClintock, author of Black Hills: Accurate History and Facts Related by One of ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Bobbie Smith, Harrisburg, AR
Harrisburg, AR, Rural Carrier Bobbie Smith was on her route when she saw a house fire. She alerted a neighbor, who called 911. Smith also helped a man and his dog escape. Firefighters credit Smith’s swift action with saving the house. Source: USPS News Link - Heroes Corner Archive - ...
Georgia Rural Carrier murdered by husband
A Floyd County man has been charged with the death of one woman and serious injury of another following a report of multiple shots fired at a home on Fosters Mill Road Thursday night. Dewayne David Tanner, 45, has been charged with murder, two counts of aggravated battery, two counts ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Nelson Medina, Granite City, IL
Granite City, IL, Rural Carrier Nelson Medina was on his route when he came upon a car accident. He recognized one victim and called her family, along with 911. Medina also waited with the injured woman until help arrived. She later sent a letter to the Post Office thanking him ...
NRLCA Resolves Massive Cybersecurity Breach Unfair Labor Practice Case Against U.S. Postal Service
On November 19, 2014, the NRLCA filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board against the Postal Service, alleging that the Postal Service violated federal labor law by failing to bargain over and provide information concerning the September 2014 “cyber intrusion” by hackers into the Postal Service’s ...
Unrestrained Florida Postal Carriers May Now Drive With Unbelted Abandon
On May 22, 2015, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed SB160 into law, heralding in the most dramatic reforms this state has seen in decades. Well, not decades, perhaps. Days would be a better description; heralding in the most dramatic reforms this state has seen in days. The signing of SB160 ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Ronald Wheeler, Shelbyville, TX
Shelbyville, TX, Rural Carrier Ronald Wheeler recently knocked on a customer’s front door to deliver a package when he heard someone inside calling for help. Wheeler opened the door and found the customer had fallen and couldn’t get up. He called her daughter, who called 911. Wheeler stayed with the ...
Florida rural carriers no longer have to wear seat belts while working their route
Rural letter carriers in Florida no longer have to wear seat belts while working their routes, under a bill signed Friday by Gov. Rick Scott. The bill, sponsored by Greg Evers, R-Baker, took effect immediately. The bill adds an exemption to the state’s mandatory seat-belt law for rural letter carriers ...
Rural Carrier Hero: Brenda Vaughn, Stoutsville, MO
Stoutsville, MO, Rural Carrier Brenda Vaughn was delivering mail when she saw a customer fall. Vaughn and two neighbors helped the injured woman up and into her home. After making sure the woman didn’t need medical attention, Vaughn continued on her route. Source: USPS News Link - Heroes Corner archive ...
NRLCA and USPS contract negotiations come to an impasse
On Wednesday, May 20, 2015, after more than two months of contract talks, the NRLCA and USPS reached impasse over the terms of a new collective bargaining agreement. Early this week it appeared as if the parties were making progress toward a negotiated settlement. However, contract talks stalled and impasse ...
APWU is not the only contract that ends this week
The rural carrier contract ends on May 20th, 2015. Just two days from now. The NRLCA previously announced back in March that they were going into negotiations but we have not received any information. Will we get any information before it expires, or will be be left wondering what the ...
Midstate Rural mail carrier turns into a life-saver for one older woman
In rural areas, mail carriers are the link to the community for some. But one postal worker in upper Dauphin County was a life-saver too.Chantel Bouchard delivers to 500 homes on her 52-mile route that's usually quiet.But one day in January, she thought she heard cries for help.Indeed, Jean Klinger had ...