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Rural Carrier Hero: Patricia Durell, Pomfret Center, CT

Pomfret Center, CT, Rural Carrier Associate Patricia Durell was delivering mail recently when she noticed a downed tree on fire in the middle of the road. The road was a dead end, so Durell knew some residents might be trapped if the fire spread. She called 911 and waited for ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Pamela Arledge, Greer, SC

Greer, SC, Rural Carrier Pamela Arledge was in her vehicle recently when a retired police officer tapped on her window and asked for help. The man was experiencing neurological problems. He couldn’t see and had difficulty speaking. Arledge called 911. She also contacted the retiree’s son. Arledge brought the man ...

Rural Carrier Hero: George Clifford, Pittsford, VT

Pittsford, VT, Rural Carrier George Clifford was delivering mail recently when he encountered a man who was lying in the road and not breathing. Clifford called 911 and performed CPR until the man resumed breathing. Paramedics arrived and provided further assistance. Source: George Clifford, Pittsford, VT | USPS News Link ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Coleen Monson, Langford, SD

Langford, SD, Rural Carrier Coleen Monson was on her route recently and noticed one of her regular customers had not picked up his mail. Monson knew the man was diabetic and lived alone, so she contacted his family and alerted them of the situation. Later that evening, Monson learned that ...

RCA not seriously hurt in accident with propane truck in Tollesboro KY

A Tollesboro woman working to deliver the mail escaped serious injury Wednesday morning when her vehicle was struck by a tractor-trailer hauling propane gas. Deputy Gary Sparks said the accident happened on the AA Highway at the intersection of Hamrick Hollow Road at Tollesboro when a 2000 Geo Tracker, operated ...

Vigil was held for rural carrier Hillary Hicks, rural carrier killed on the job in GA

A vigil was held Wednesday night for a postal worker killed over the weekend in Newton County. Hillary Hicks was thrown from her truck when it was hit from behind as she pulled back onto the road after a delivery. The crash happened on Highway 81 near Booger Hill Road ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Laurie Ellerman, Bonfield, IL

Bonfield, IL, Rural Carrier Laurie Ellerman and Retail Associate Kati Gogolka-Delude became concerned recently when a customer tried to mail a cashier’s check for $9,000 overseas. He said he needed to send the money to insure foreign lottery winnings. The customer had sent another cashier’s check for $10,000 the day ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Sherry Hastings, Ola, AR 

While delivering mail in Ola, AR, recently, Rural Carrier Sherry Hastings noticed a customer waving his arms frantically. The man had been riding a lawn mower when he struck a heavy cable. The cable became stretched across his abdomen, trapping him. Hastings called 911 and stayed with the man until paramedics ...

Vigil to be held for GA rural carrier killed over weekend

A postal carrier was killed Saturday on Highway 81 near Booger Hill Road in Oxford. Hillary Hicks was thrown from her truck when she was struck from behind when pulling into the road after a delivery. A candlelight vigil is being held for Hicks at the Post Office Annex at ...

Postal worker (rural carrier) dies following accident Saturday 

COVINGTON, GA — A candlelight vigil was scheduled Wednesday night for the postal worker who died Saturday after her USPS truck was hit by another vehicle. The vigil for Hillary Adair Hicks, 59, of Decatur, a nine-year postal service employee, was set to be held at the Covington Carrier Annex ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Matthew Webster, Cherokee, NC

Cherokee, NC, Rural Carrier Matthew Webster recently saw a woman lying on a sidewalk with blood on her head. She had called 911 after suffering a dizzy spell and collapsing. Webster shielded the woman from the sun and stayed with her until an ambulance arrived. She was taken to a ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Deanna Shugars, Eddyville, KY

Eddyville, KY, Rural Carrier Deanna Shugars was delivering mail recently when she spotted a woman lying on the ground. The woman had fallen while feeding her cats and had been immobile for about six-and-a-half hours. The woman was suffering from hypothermia and experiencing pain in both her neck and hip ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Wesley Schramm, Fort Worth, TX 

Fort Worth, TX, Rural Carrier Wesley Schramm began to smell smoke after completing a recent delivery at a house. When he looked back at the home, he saw its roof was engulfed in flames. Schramm called 911 and knocked on the door until someone answered. The occupants, including a family ...

USPS: Done deal – USPS, NRLCA sign new contract

Pictured: PMG Megan J. Brennan and NRLCA President Jeannette Dwyer, seated, sign the new agreement at USPS headquarters. Joining them are, from left, USPS Contract Administration Manager Cathy Perron, Chief Human Resources Officer Jeffrey Williamson, Labor Relations VP Doug Tulino, NRLCA Vice President Ronnie W. Stutts and USPS Labor Relations ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Daniel Masteller, Long Prairie, MN

Long Prairie, MN, Rural Carrier Daniel Masteller recently noticed uncollected mail in a customer’s box and knocked on the woman’s front door. When he didn’t receive a response, he contacted police. Officers arrived and found the woman in poor health. The temperature inside the house was 34 degrees. Emergency responders ...