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Rural Carrier Hero: Vanessa Beatty, Prosperity, PA

Rural Carrier Vanessa Beatty had just delivered a package to a customer’s home in Prosperity, PA, when she heard someone call out to her. The voice was faint but unmistakable: “Mail lady! Mail lady!” As Beatty looked around, she saw a hand waving frantically in the window of a horse ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Nancy McKinstry, Ware, MA 

A misstep on uneven pavement recently left a Ware, MA, postal customer injured and stranded for hours on a hot driveway in a secluded area where traffic is rare. Rural Carrier Nancy McKinstry was the first passerby following the woman’s fall, and she rushed to her side when she spotted ...

NRLCA President Dwyer Sends Letter to USPS PMG Brennan Addressing Rural Carriers Working After Dark

The National Office has been receiving an alarming number of reports from the field about rural letter carriers being forced to deliver mail well into the evening hours – on some occasions even after midnight. Not surprisingly, these nighttime deliveries have resulted in dangerous conditions and “close calls”, including instances ...

Rural Carrier Heroes: John Hatz and Brenda Prado, Sanger, CA

The emaciated pony was out of hope, and almost out of time. Someone abandoned the animal on a roadside near Sanger, CA, earlier this year, along with a smattering of hay and fruit. But with a broken jaw, tooth damage and a leg injury, the animal had little will — ...

2015 – 2018 National Agreement between the USPS and the NRLCA

This special contract edition of the magazine represents the complete, current National Agreement between the USPS and the NRLCA. It supersedes the provisions of the 2010 USPS-NRLCA National Agreement. This Agreement (referred to as the USPS-NRLCA 2015 National Agreement) is entered into as of April 25, 2016, by and between ...

NLRB Issues Complaint Against Postal Service for Information Request Violations

Earlier this year, the NRLCA and NALC filed a series of unfair labor practice ("ULP") charges against the Postal Service in response to anti-union conduct committed by managers in a number of Houston District post offices, including Katy and Humble, Texas. Supervisors in those offices attempted to discourage rural carriers ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Kathryn Bennett, Rehoboth, MA

A recent hot day in Rehoboth, MA, caused an elderly customer to feel ill. He was in distress when Rural Carrier Kathryn Bennett encountered him while delivering mail, so she gave him a cold bottle of water and called for emergency assistance. She also phoned his daughter, who later stopped ...

Hey Amazon.. Deliverin’ ain’t easy

A Ruralinfo.net editorial A couple of years ago, Amazon had an epiphany.  They decided they could start their own delivery service to cut out the middle man. (i.e. UPS, Fedex, USPS)  So they went full steam ahead and started hiring people off the street to deliver their parcels.  It started first ...

2016 NRLCA National Convention Proceedings Posted

The 2016 National Convention Proceedings issue of the National Rural Letter Carrier magazine has been posted in the "Magazine" section of the website under "Current Issue". CLICK HERE to be directed to the magazine ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Kimberly Mitchell, Maineville, OH

Maineville, OH, Rural Carrier Kimberly Mitchell was delivering mail recently at a condominium when she heard a faint cry for help coming from an elderly customer’s unit. She called out to the woman, who told her that a neighbor had a key. Mitchell located the neighbor and they both checked ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Brenda Miller, Thomasville, PA 

Brenda Miller recently had a certified letter for a customer who was routinely at home at delivery time, so the rural carrier was concerned when she knocked on the door and got no answer. She heard noises, though, so she looked through a window and saw the customer on the ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Saleena Millet, Montague, MI

A customer was recently terrified that he’d been stung on his back by a bee, having been to the emergency room after a previous sting, but he wasn’t sure. That’s when Montague, MI, Rural Carrier Saleena Millet arrived with his mail. She verified that it was a sting and stayed ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Debra Holdsworth, Sherrard, IL

Rural Carrier Debra Holdsworth’s route in Sherrard, IL, recently brought her to the scene of a one-car accident that left the driver seriously injured after hitting a fence. She called 911 and stayed with the young man until emergency responders arrived. He was cut out of the car, flown to ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Steven Lumbra, Highgate Center, VT

A recent stroll near his house turned dangerous when a man recovering from back surgery lost his balance in a wooded area. He yelled for help as Highgate Center, VT, Rural Carrier Associate Steven Lumbra arrived to deliver mail. Lumbra found the man, helped him get inside his house, got ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Jeffrey Deisinger, York, PA 

A case of heat stroke recently left a customer in York, PA, unconscious and unnoticed in her yard until Rural Carrier Jeffrey Deisinger delivered her mail. He called 911 and stayed with the woman until emergency responders arrived. Several days after she was treated at a hospital, the customer contacted ...

Rural Carrier Hero: Rebecca Knuteson, Willmar, MN

A woman who had been stranded for four days after falling in her basement was rescued recently after Willmar, MN, Rural Carrier Rebecca Knuteson heard her cries for help. Knuteson was delivering mail when she detected the customer’s plea and called 911. Emergency responders and a neighbor broke into the ...