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New RRECS Overview Slide Presentation and other RRECS Resources

The following Slide Presentation provides a brief overview of the history and development of the RRECS System and its importance to the future of rural carriers and the evaluated system. Further updates and explanatory presentations will be coming soon. Other RRECS resources: NRLCA RRECS MDD Activity Scan Entry Training NRLCA ...

Rural Carrier helps customer who fell in yard

Rural Carrier Associate Susan Thompson was delivering mail on a blazing summer day last year in Mount Vernon, TX, when she heard a customer yelling for help. Thompson rushed to aid the woman, who had fallen in her yard an hour earlier and lost all feeling on one side of ...

Past NRLCA National President Gus Baffa passed away on Sunday, March 6, 2022

Past NRLCA National President Gus Baffa passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, March 6, 2022. A proud native of Brooklyn, NY, Gus Baffa served in the U.S. Navy in the late 1950s and early ‘60s prior to his postal career. After his military service, he became an 18-wheeler trucker hauling specialty ...

NC Rural Carrier, Melanie Shultz dies in accident on the job

The carrier, Melanie Shultz (age 46, married with 2 kids) was delivering from her Catawba, NC post office when she was hit by another vehicle. The other person’s vehicle was traveling at approximately 77 mph when it hit her. The other driver is believed to have been suffering from a ...

Rural carrier braves hornets to save customer’s life

Rural Carrier Kaci Hough was recently delivering mail in Raleigh, MS, when she arrived at the home of an 89-year-old customer who uses a walker. She instantly realized there was an emergency: The man was being swarmed by hornets. Hough rushed to his aid, dispersing the insects and guiding him ...

Customers praise rural carrier for help on slippery day

Rural Carrier Stacey Dolan was delivering mail on an icy day last year in Litchfield, CT, when she came upon two customers in a moment of crisis outside their home. One had slipped and fallen and couldn’t get up, and the other was unable to assist. Dolan rushed to their ...

From NRLCA – What to Do If Your Ratification Ballot Is Missing or Damaged

If a member fails to receive a ratification ballot package after a sufficient amount of mail processing time has passed from the February 7-9, 2022 mailing date, or your ballot has been damaged, please call the NRLCA headquarters office at 703-684-5545 and the receptionist will direct you to someone who ...

Rural carrier saves injured customer’s life

It was Certified Mail that brought Rural Carrier Megan Husby to an older customer’s door one day last summer in New Richmond, WI. As she approached the man’s residence to get his signature, she spotted him lying on the ground in his front yard, mail scattered around him. Husby rushed ...

Rural carrier helps truck accident victim

Rural Carrier Associate Alexis Baker was recently delivering mail in Manito, IL, when she came upon a FedEx truck that had overturned, coming to rest in a corn field. Baker immediately called 911 and rendered first aid to the injured driver. Emergency responders soon arrived and took over. “Her co-workers ...

Rural carrier responds to fire at customer’s home

Rural Carrier Associate Kourtney Bray was recently delivering mail in Holland, NY, when she spotted a truck in flames outside a customer’s residence. She immediately called 911 and remained on the scene until firefighters arrived to extinguish the blaze before it could spread to the detached garage and the house ...

Rural Carriers – USPS OIG wants your opinions on POV routes vs USPS vehicle routes

The U.S. Postal Service has almost 80,000 rural delivery routes serviced by some 133,000 rural letter carriers. For some of those routes, USPS provides the vehicle; for others, the carrier uses a private vehicle and receives a maintenance allowance from the Postal Service for wear and tear. In fiscal year ...

New page added to Ruralinfo.net – All Things RRECS

I have tried to gather all the info needed in once place for RRECS.  If you know of something I missed, please let me know. Click here to go to the RRECS page -All thing RRECS ...

Texas rural carrier saves injured customer’s life

Marissa Means, a rural carrier associate in Kerens, TX, was delivering mail one day last summer when she heard someone yelling for help. She soon spotted a customer who’d fallen off his lawn mower and was bleeding profusely from multiple lacerations he’d sustained. Means immediately called 911 and remained on ...