USPS Headquarters delays rural route adjustments until after RRECS implementation
As of today, we have successfully mapped over 97% of our rural routes in the new RRECS system. As we are working to implement RRECS with a mini mail survey in September, we are now at a point where we need to pause work on rural route adjustments and overburdened ...
Rural carrier saves senior citizens in path of fire
Rural Carrier Sarah Shaw was recently delivering mail in Tuolumne, CA, when she spotted an unattended brush fire spreading up a tree. Concerned that the blaze was perilously close to a residence with many cars in the driveway, Shaw immediately called 911 and rushed to notify the homeowners, who were ...
The following is a statement of NRLCA’s position on three very important issues: The safety of rural carriers and the public. Requiring or allowing regular carriers to work on other routes and/or on Sundays. Requiring Leave Replacements to work more than 12 hours in one day ...
Updated Salary Schedules to be Effective July 16, 2022
The USPS have brought all salary schedules up to date, as required under the 2021-2024 National Agreement. The salary schedules linked below reflect a retroactive $1,935 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) effective August 28, 2021, a retroactive 1.3% General Wage Increase (GWI) effective November 20, 2021, and a $1,311 COLA effective February ...
RRECS Activity Scans: Update/Clarification on 2nd Trips/Loading Scans
Effective immediately, when carriers are performing 2nd trips, they must also utilize the Hotkey 6 STARTLOADVEH and Hotkey 7 ENDLOADVEH to capture the load time associated with the 2nd trip. This will ensure proper compensation when RRECS is implemented. In addition, 2nd trips are to continue to be compensated per Handbook F-21 563 ...
City carriers are beginning the process of evaluations from their scanners
The article linked below was released in May 2022 Also came across this on Reddit - It will be interesting to see how it goes for them ...
Injured man grateful for rural carrier’s lifesaving aid
Rural Carrier Associate Jason Holleran was delivering mail on a February day in Tarentum, PA, when he came upon an older customer in need of assistance. The man had slipped and fallen in his driveway, leaving him stranded in temperatures below freezing as he desperately yelled for help. Holleran rushed ...
NRLCA releases full 2021-2024 National Contract
The Special Contract Edition of the National Rural Letter Carrier magazine containing the 2021-2024 National Agreement is now available for viewing and downloading. It will also be mailed to all active bargaining unit members ...
Observant rural carrier catches suspected thieves in act
Denise Hilpipre, a rural carrier in Plainfield, WI, was recently delivering mail when she noticed suspicious activity: Two strangers were removing firewood from a customer’s property. Hilpipre documented details of the incident, including a description of the pair’s vehicle and their appearance, and called the customer to ask if he ...
Customer grateful for Heimlich maneuver from rural carrier
Rural Carrier Associate William-Jacques Jones was recently making deliveries in Clinton, OH, when he came upon a customer in distress. The man, who was choking on food, was attempting to walk to a neighbor’s house for assistance. Jones rushed to the customer’s aid, performing the Heimlich maneuver on him until ...
Rural Carrier saves car accident victim’s life
Shelby Milford, a rural carrier associate, was recently making deliveries in Michie, TN, when she came upon the scene of an accident that left a woman in her 20s injured. Milford immediately called for emergency assistance and stayed with the woman, whose car began to emit smoke. With help from ...
Rural carrier saves golf course worker’s life
Jared Sprenger, a rural carrier in Zumbrota, MN, was recently delivering mail when he saw a man lying on a golf course, waving for help. Sprenger rushed to the man’s side and found that he was misdialing 911. The Postal Service employee completed the call and comforted him until emergency ...
The NRLCA has officially requested that the Postal Service temporarily postpone the data collection period for the Rural Route Evaluated Compensation System (RRECS). Collection of data began on April 23, 2022; however, the NRLCA has identified many critical issues that must be resolved before the system can go “live.” We ...
Rural Carrier renders aid to dehydrated customer
Rural Carrier Johnnie Gatlin was recently making deliveries in a Junction City, KS, neighborhood when he grew concerned about an older customer whose mail was piling up. Gatlin heard a faint cry for help coming from inside the residence, at which point he looked through a window and spotted the ...
Every rural carrier should have received training on the new RRECS MDD scans from their supervisor or manager. Every rural carrier needs to be using these new entries daily ...