L’Enfant Plaza – We have a spontaneous combustion problem
I have noticed a very disturbing thing in the last few years. LLV fires - Lots of them.. The aging fleet seems to be becoming a huge problem in regards to the safety of mail carriers. I looked at only the last year or so and specifically for LLV -Postal ...
Step 4 Grievance Settlement on Waiting for Mail that Requires Casing Before Strapping Out
Step 4 Grievance Settlement on Waiting for Mail that Requires Casing Before Strapping Out The issue in this grievance concerns waiting for any mail due to late arriving transportation which may or may not include DPS letter mail. The parties agree that when a rural carrier is required to wait ...
Step 4 Settlement on Requirement to Case (DPS) Letter Mail during DPS review
The issue in this grievance involves management requiring rural carriers to case Delivery Point Sequence (DPS) Letters during a DPS letter formal review request for 12 days. The Parties agree that when rural carriers are required to case DPS letter mail, appropriated compensation will be provided in accordance with Handbook ...
Step 4 Grievance Settlement on Being Denied LWOP on Saturday
The issue in this grievance involves management denying LWOP on Saturday due to the unavailability of a leave replacement, when the leave replacement was assigned to express mail and collection runs and is not servicing a route. The Parties agree that a leave replacement assigned duties per Article 30.2.Q., will ...
Step 4 Grievance Settlement on Retrieving DPS Letter Mail When Not Staged by Route
The issue in this grievance involves rural carriers retrieving DPS letter mail from conveyances when DPS letter trays are randomly mixed between routes. The Parties agree that when DPS letter mail is not properly staged by separating routes and this requires rural carriers to move trays to retrieve these trays, ...
The Neutral Engineer for the Rural Carrier Time Study
Dr. Louis A. Martin-Vega is the Dean of Engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. With more than 8,500 students, 700 faculty and staff, and $129 million in annual research expenditures, NC State’s College of Engineering is internationally recognized for the excellence of its research, education and ...
Let’s talk about the Elephant in the room
Elephant in the room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.[2] It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would ...
The only thing we have to fear is ourselves.
I spend a lot of time online and there are a lot of pages on the internet that I look at while scouring for news and information to share with everyone. I see a lot of crazy things posted by rural carriers, but there is nothing that gets me riled ...
The Evaluated system, the Guarantee period and the Christmas OT period. What does it all mean and how did we get here?
There are a lot of questions floating around lately about X days, the Guarantee period, and the Christmas Overtime period. Which is not surprising because the Evaluated system itself is confusing. I have been a rural carrier for quite a few years and still find things that surprise me ...
Handbook PO-603 Revision: Compensation Adjustments
Effective October 20, 2012, Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities, Section 541.41, Additional Compensation, is revised to reflect the change to the delivery point sequence (DPS) letter mail standard for those routes assigned a right-hand drive (RHD) employer-provided vehicle. Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities * * * ...
The Piece Work Trap
An OLDIE BUT GOODIE!! The Piece Work Trap by John Dziubek former CTRLCA State Steward (written sometime after the Wells arbitration) Since 1896 rural letter carriers have been paid by an evaluated type system. After the wildcat postal strike in 1970, some very important things changed for postal workers. First ...
NRLCA: Formulas to Determine Additional DPS Compensation
When a carrier on a route being compensated under the DPS standards (letters and/or flats) is required to case all or a significant portion of its DPS letters and/or flats, due to circumstances that have left all or some portion of the DPS letters and/or flats in an out of ...
Do you ever wonder how the rural pay system was crafted? A must read for all rural carriers!
The rural craft is a very special pay system. We have provisions and rules that do not apply to any other job in this country. It was a long hard process just to keep the evaluated pay system intact. If you've ever wondered how or why the rural craft is ...
NRLCA Press Release: NRLCA Elects Jeanette P. Dwyer as First Female National President
NRLCA Elects Jeanette P. Dwyer as First Female National President - MarketWatch: "Jeanette P. Dwyer, a 30-year career postal employee, has been elected the first female national president in the 108-year history of the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association (NRLCA). The election was held during the union's 107th National Convention ...
Recently, criticism has arisen over how the NRLCA-PAC contributes to Congressional campaigns. The NRLCA-PAC works to represent rural carrier issues on Capitol Hill by supporting key Senators and Representatives. Unfortunately, financial support of a campaign does not guarantee the Senator or Representative will support legislation favorable to our issues or ...
NRLCA Contributions to Federal Candidates
Total Receipts$1,297,789Total Spent (view expenditures)$1,255,141Begin Cash on Hand$111,817End Cash on Hand$154,430Debts$0Date of last reportDecember 31, 2010Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)(71% to Democrats, 29% to Republicans)$876,500Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more ( list donors)$316,547http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/pacgot.php?cmte=C00072025&cycle=2010 ...
Do you want to see what 10k of our PAC money bought?
According to Opensecrets, the NRLCA gave Issa 10k to his campaign committee in 2009-2010 election cycle. And what did we get for our money? One big anti union, anti worker, attack on USPS unions. I could have told you and anyone else that Issa would NEVER be a friend of ...