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APWU is not the only contract that ends this week

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The rural carrier contract ends on May 20th, 2015.  Just two days from now.  The NRLCA previously announced back in March that they were going into negotiations but we have not received any information.  Will we get any information before it expires, or will be be left wondering what the future holds?  Are they holding back information because they are afraid it might be shared on this website?  If they are, is that really fair to the members? Nobody wants to know specifics in the middle of negotiations, but come on, throw us a bone..  Silence is no kind of representation.  You do not have to let out secrets to encourage the membership.

Oh never mind! This has been argued over and over and they still have not moved into this century to use the internet as a tool to encourage and inspire the membership.  The other unions do it..  They share information daily. Must we stand alone in our silence?

The fear of the internet moves our union backwards, not forward.  Why must we live in such a cloak of secrecy?  Can you imagine the carriers they would inspire by just trying to make an effort to engage the membership on the internet?  I fully believe they would gain members.  Make people feel like they are a part of something and they will come..

Ok, rant over.  I have not been inspired to rant or write anything in a long while because well, I have really become disheartened with their constant cloak of secrecy and I have no faith that it will ever change.  I am also not so sure rural carriers as a whole want it to change.  I have come across so many that believe the in the “secrecy” mantra.

Anyway, moving back to the contract..  Are there any hopes we might get an update?  What do you say?

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