Disclaimer! Ruralinfo.net is not sponsored or authorized by the NRLCA, the USPS or any state or local association. Click here to read full disclaimer


An uninformed membership can do no good…. Only with information can we contribute and improve our union. Ignorance really is not bliss. The more secrecy we have within our union, the less accountability.

My name is Dana. I am owner/creator of Ruralinfo.net. I became a rural carrier in 1997 and I just retired at the end of 2022. I live and work in Texas not too far from Dallas. I’ve been married for 28 years. We don’t have any kids, but our furry child makes us feel like we do lol.

Not totally sure of the exact date I started Ruralinfo.net. The domain creation date was April 4th, 2007. I ran the website for a couple of years on a free Google website.. So this website is AT LEAST 18 years old.

You have probably heard many things about this website and most of them are probably not true. I am NOT anti union. Yes, I AM a union member. Yes, I really was a rural carrier. I did the job every single day just like you do. I do not pretend to be a replacement for the NRLCA and I never will. I am all about sharing news with all rural carriers.

Thanks to those of you that have supported me for so many years in this project. If not for you, Ruralinfo.net would never have become what it is today..



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A ridiculous amount of coffee has been consumed while creating this and my other rural/postal websites. If you find any of my coffee-fueled content worthwhile, you can buy me a coffee to keep me going!

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