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Two years ago this month the unspeakable happened to one of our own

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Two years ago this month, specifically May 17th, one of own was brutally murdered by a customer.  If you are not familiar with the story, she was delivering mail and a customer waited for her, shot her and burned her mail vehicle with her body inside.  It feels kind of brutal to describe it like that, but it is what happened and it serves as an example that we all work with the public and we can never know what can happen.  We can never be too vigilant on being aware of our surroundings.

She was one of US..  She went in every day cased her mail, loaded her vehicle, and put mail in the boxes just like the rest of us.  And it is with a heavy heart that I remember her, someone I never met, but I feel a close kinship with.  I hope her family knows how we grieved with her and how we will never forget.  Rural Carriers will never forget!

Her murderer is currently awaiting trial. The government wants the death penalty for him.  Read more about his upcoming trial in 2016 at this link

Rest in peace

To read a few articles about her murder   Click here

And click here if you want to read more about her murderer

Another link

One more

Video of her funeral procession

Over 700 friends, family and co-workers attended the funeral service for Marie Youngblood, the Rural Mail Carrier from Shepherd that was gunned down May 17th as she delivered mail on her route. Her vehicle was then driven to another location and burned with her in it.

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