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2024 Tax Information: Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement; Form 1099

If an employee has earnings from more than one state or locality, a separate Form W-2 will be issued for each.

Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, for 2024 will be mailed to all employees except those employees who, through the PostalEASE “W-2” module, elected not to receive mailed copies of Forms W-2 in favor of official electronic Forms W-2. The PostalEASE “W-2” module makes online viewing and printing of Forms W-2 for any of the last 7 years available to all employees.

The format of the 2024 Form W-2 is the same as the 2023 version. To protect sensitive information, the first 5 digits of the Social Security number will be masked on the mailed copy provided to employees. The mailed copy displays a randomly generated 12-digit Control Number in box d. This Control Number has no significance to the IRS and is used by the employer as an aid in processing and tracking. Your W-2 control number may not remain the same year after year.

An employee may be able to take the Earned Income Credit (EIC) for 2024, if qualifying requirements are met; details are printed in the “Notice to Employee” section of the Form W-2. An employee may also qualify for a state EIC credit. Employees should visit applicable state taxing authority websites to determine eligibility.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act created the “Additional Medicare Tax” effective January 1, 2013. All wages and other compensation that are subject to regular Medicare tax in excess of $200,000 are subject to an additional Medicare tax of 0.9 percent. All Medicare tax withheld is reported in Box 6 of the Form W-2.


For questions on payroll items, such as employee business expenses, equipment maintenance, rent, territorial cost-of-living allowance (TCOLA), money differences between earnings statement and Form W-2 (See Reconciliation Formula on Form W-2), leave buy backs, erroneous state or local tax deductions, TSP, and FSA call the Accounting Help Desk at 866-974-2733.

Provide the following information:

Employee name.

Current mailing address.

Social Security number or Employee ID

Year(s) involved.

Specific question.

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