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2017 NRLCA National Convention Updates

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Updates from various sources – Let’s all thank them for giving us the information.

Engineer Study

Panel chair recommends everything turned over by October 31st, 2017.  Parties evaluate and comment by November 30th, 2017.   Chair issues final determination by February 28th, 2018

[embeddoc url=”https://www.ruralinfo.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/2017-National-convention-notes-2-2.pdf” viewer=”google”]



PMG Brennan

PMG was present and spontaneously took questions from the crowd.  Below are the main points:

Someone asked her about uniforms and the whole room disagreed, LOL

She also talked about Amazon and 7 day delivery.  She said they were earning the trust of Amazon so they can get more 7 day business.

Adding Priority packages to Sundays will take some pressure off of Monday’s volume.

She was very adamant that employees should NOT be working in hostile work environments.  If nothing is being done locally, continue up the chain until you find someone to help.

Also see: USPS making key investments, PMG reports at the NRLCA Convention



Officer elections

President – Jeannette Dwyer

Vice President – Ronnie Stutts

Sec/Treasurer – Clifford Dailing

Dir. of Steward Operations – David Heather

Dir. of Labor Relations – Joey Johnson

One new Executive Committeeman: Johnny K. Miller



Letter of Mutual Understanding was announced on SPM scans  See LOU

The explanation, by Jeanette Dwyer, as to why it was agreed upon a 8127 time until next mail count was due to the fact that doing the base hour change would tip a lot of routes out of the 46K and high option.

It would be 8127 time for regular rural carriers and 1314A for RCA’s.

18 second for alerts, 35 seconds for each request that required scanning, 70 seconds for collection.

It will be included in the next mail count.

If you opt of of the next mail count a base hour change will be done at that time.

Management was to give a stand up talk on the SPM’s with instructions within that week.

They have to go back from September 3, 2016 through September 1, 2017 and pay all the scans that were properly noted. THE BACK PAY FOR THE SPM SCANS MUST BE COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 15, 2017. IF NOT, FILE A GRIEVANCE!



Dues increase: Regular/PTF $27.00 per year RCA $10.00 per year Retiree $ 2.00 per year


Odds and Ends

Attempted to add a stipulation that if a carrier was caught videoing, recording and sending messages during and of convention that they loose their membership for 1 year.  FAILED



Attempted to add an official NRLCA Q and A website…

They may as well have just gone ahead and put “ruralinfo” in the resolution. And in defense of this website, I have to say that any information put out on the website has been verified by very trustworthy individuals or from a reputable source.

They may be referring to the Q and A’s on the facebook page or the Ruralinfo.net forum, and a lot of people do join a conversation with statements about how it works in their own personal office, but every time, someone DOES come along with the correct information.

And, why is ruralinfo being held to the same standards as the NRLCA? This is not a union website. This is a website where rural carriers can discuss the daily grind of the job. We all try to help each other and I think we are all adults here that understand this is a community, not an official avenue to represent you in any grievance with the USPS.

Wouldn’t an official Q and A forum be the best thing to happen to this union since we switched from delivering on horses to vehicles.  FAILED


They collected $6000 for the RCA that died on the route in South Carolina – Link

There was a LOT of drama in the caucuses this year.  I don’t have all of the details, but be sure and ask someone that was there if you can.  It is a very interesting story..

So, I think might be all of the important stuff.  If you have anything to add to this report, please let me know..

Peace, love and the mail


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